• General 25.10.2012

    The main purpose of all curricular intervention is ‘ ‘ to prepare the pupils to be active, critical citizens, solidary and democratic members of a solidary society democrtica’ ‘. (SANTOM 1995, p.159). The author (p.167) affirmed that the reflection on the different cultures of the races or etnias constituam mainly in a great gap in the Brazilian society and in the schools, where these cultures, at the rare moments I was remembered if they reduced to one day of full commemorations of ideologies and prejudiced esteretipos. Canem (2000, p.10), in society as in accordance with multicultural as Brazil, where the inaqualities and the racism reign, the production of research that question that they search alternatives of valuation of the cultural plurality, becomes if ‘ ‘ a vital necessity for the curricular and educational reflection, at the beginning of new milnio.’ ‘ To know to understand, to respect and to value, to recognize its contributions of the black culture in the culture of Brazil. What it intends with this law is to use the pertaining to school space to give to the black culture its due value. To thus promote in the educandos the collective responsibility and the capacity to participate and to understand of democratic form its community.

    Posted by millionaire @ 10:35 pm for General |

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