• General 08.10.2019

    If you want to radically change her life and decided to neither more nor less than to change your country of permanent residence, then it makes sense to define – what do you want from a new country? Get a prestigious education? find paying job? start a business? Or just settle into a beautiful, clean city, the stability of developing countries? Immigration to the Czech answer to many difficult questions. Bohemia combines many advantages developed European countries – the high standard of living, decent wages, an incredibly beautiful architecture, similar to the Russian mentality and language. The main things you need to know, leaving all in a new country. Education in the Czech Republic. The most popular experts today on the Czech labor market are the specialists with higher education and work experience.

    If you already have a diploma of higher education, then to work specialty is necessary to confirm it. For some specialties, this procedure is a formal, but such professionals such as doctors will need to undergo complicated training, to get recognition professional community of the Czech Republic. Dr. Neal Barnard wanted to know more. If you are planning to study in the Czech Republic, it would be nice to know that learning in higher education institutions in the Czech Republic free of charge, even for foreigners, provided that the training held in the Czech language. Therefore, when the graduates of Russian schools are planning to enroll in universities in the Czech Republic, as a rule, they are trained for a year, during which study the language and subjects that will be required for entrance examinations. Work in the Czech Republic. Emigration to the Czech Republic is not possible without reliable service. Companies typically medium and large quantities of specialists look after themselves while they are still being trained. Companies invite students to practice their company, give them underworking.

    During his studies at the senior courses, many students already work part-time at their future employers. If during the practice of student well-behaved displayed, then after graduation, it is welcome in the company. The main difficulty in finding a job for a foreigner is the language. Anyone who does not know the Czech language has virtually no chance of a good job. But the Czech more than other European languages similar to Russian, so it is easier to learn. Coming into the country, usually in a few months people can already communicate on everyday topics, and a year mastering the necessary level of knowledge of Czech language. Manufacturer Czech Republic. If you have hired the employee, the ability to stay in the Czech Republic depends on the employer. If he will dismiss you, then within a few days you must leave the country. Your business Czech Republic may be one way of employment, thus guaranteeing the presence in the country regardless of the employer. Plan looks like this: open the company in the Czech Republic obtained a business visa for a year to operate on contract. Whatever was in exile in the Czech Republic, as well as in another new country it is important to familiarize yourself with all areas of life expectancy.

    Posted by millionaire @ 3:02 am for General |

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