• General 26.02.2017

    Already the Navy, force whose main ship, the So Paulo ship-aerodrome, meets off-hook has years, it is sucateada. New and modern moved submarines diesel as the Russian model Kilo or the Scorpne Frenchman are necessary, since the models of national manufacture are incapable to provide the capacities of which the Force needs. The amount would be adjusted of, at least eight units of the cited models. It is of urgent necessity also the incorporation of, at least, two submarines moved to the nuclear energy. New and modern torpedoes to equip such boats also are necessary.

    In if treating to torpedoes, equivalent in the world to the torpedo does not exist/supercavitante rocket Russian BA-111 Shkval. The acquisition of new destroyers, as the Sovremenny Russian, totalizing a minimum amount of twelve units is urgently necessary. Thus, we seriamos capable of, truily, possessing a green water navy, capable to project the national naval power in regional scope. New frigates, as European FREMM, with a total amount of, at least, forty units, also they are required, as well as new boats modern hunting-mines. Another urgent acquisition is of units of landing on air mattress, popularly known as ' ' hovercrafts' ' , that simply they inexist in our armory. An amount of, at least, seven units is necessary. Similar models to the Zubr Russian or American LCAC, supported for similar boats of amphibious landing to the Russian of the classroom Ivan Rogov or to American LPD-17 San classroom Antonio are indicated.

    An amount of, at least, two boats of amphibious landing is necessary for efficient projection of being able strategical in the South American region. The sea and air force carried by the ship-aerodrome also lacks of equipment. The aircraft A-4 Skyhawk are absurdly incapable to provide any support to the fleet, beyond being sucateadas and in operation in small number. To substitute them, the most indicated they would be or the Russian Sukhoi Su-33 or the Dassault Frenchman Rafale.

    Posted by millionaire @ 8:26 pm for General |

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