• General 05.05.2015

    “, explains Hans Hachinger, Board member of the German Association honorary e.V.. The German voluntary work Association recommends everyone volunteers dedicated to of their own safety, to check their Association’s activities on the following 12 points: Checklist for each volunteering law certainly our articles of association right? I am personally secured as a Board of Directors for breach of duty? We regularly fulfil our duty? Is our home safe? Have we ensured that guests come to case and the paths are accessible? Is money precautions, if a larger financial damage is caused by negligence? Were grants used properly and correctly? Violate my existing contracts, E.g. with sponsors, the rules of public interest? Tax the tax declaration complies with the applicable Laws? Is our Club a non-profit organisation? Recognised charitable status? Should donations us tax deductable are? Is a statutory purpose of our Association event the event? Are we and our guests at the event insured against accidents? I thought the Organization of everything? Licensed? We sell food? Has the Office been informed? Must we pay royalty fees? (1) bezugsgroessen_bundesgebiet.xls about German VOLUNTEERING e.V. The German Volunteer Association supports voluntarily engaged people with his performances. The German Volunteer Association to the legal and technical protection of volunteers dedicated people cares with the professional competence of ten years of experience. Members of the German Association honorary e.V. can be all clubs, associations, foundations and communities of interest.

    With membership you get the seal of protection against liability risks”. The label confirmed the boards and members of the tested safety for her voluntary work and ensures extensive protection against personal liability risks. The services of the Association e.V. German volunteering include statutes examination, tax advice, legal advice, short-term event liability insurance, and property and liability insurance. For more information see: press contact: PR agency Xpand2 Doris of Orlando Langley schulstrasse 21 80634 Munich Tel.: 00 72 77

    Posted by millionaire @ 3:05 am for General |

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