• General 20.07.2015

    holistically understand is not easy, because the world of modern telecommunications and new media is becoming every day more complex and less transparent. Due to fast pace and information overload, it is increasingly difficult to have an overview and keep them. For many companies, online marketing component of the advertising strategy. But very few companies take the issue seriously enough to exploit the potential optimally. The mandate of an internet agency alone is not the solution, although many business leaders will be reassured … “We seem to do something.” Only someone who takes the time to understand online marketing will be integral to long-term success. Are essential, as will be the qualifications of staff (eg through online marketing seminars for the marketing department) and the integration of corporate governance. Furthermore, it does not hurt to have the courage to go new ways, even if they seem unconventional at first glance. So … on to new shores! Are regarded as essential building blocks in online marketing * Involvement incurrent advertising campaigns and public relations * combining classical instruments with online marketing * Bannerwebung – when, how, where and cost * Paid Advertising on Google & Co – operation, configuration and cost * Viral marketing – the elements of viral methods * Guerrilla Marketing – Unconventional and Unique price comparisons, auction sites, online forums * Affiliate marketing * systems * E-mail marketing plans, newsletters – campaigns, prepare and implement * RSS feeds * New trends and marketing channels with the Web2.0 “Mitmachweb” * Blogs, social bookmarks, communities, user-generated content, etc. search engine optimization is the foundation of any successful online marketing strategy. When searching the Internet are limited, most users of search engines on the first results of the search. A good ranking in search engines is therefore critical for the success of a web marketing website. But not only the good placement in search engines or portals (here are quite light and Regionl related portals in)but the whole of the online marketing components yield the right approach of a possible marketing strategy. For not only individual actions, but the combination of instruments makes online marketing success. As this area is new territory for many companies, each company should consider acquiring this knowledge explicitly. Online marketing seminars and professional support from external service providers will be another big market for 2008.

    Posted by millionaire @ 3:33 pm for General |

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