• General 12.01.2013

    The relation of city and nature, with the growth of the urbanization it goes if becoming each lesser time, and the degradation if it becomes common in the great cities, therefore it did not have no type of planning that standed out the importance of the environment, and urban life was atrelada the infrastructure of the city. The historical development produces a space from the unit dialectic man-nature. (Carlos, 2005, p.28) .3. Transformations of the urban parks The consolidation of the idea of if having varied green areas in the cities if accomplished the construction of Brasilia after (from 1950), the Brazilian urban centers had transformed its free public spaces into parks, but this if of the one from the decades of 70 and 80 in all the domestic territory. An example is the Park of the Ibirapuera in So Paulo and Aterro of the Flamengo in Rio De Janeiro.

    But if treating to the Ibirapuera, we can say that it was the first modern urban park of the country, established in 1954, if transformed all into reference of paisagismo for the urban cities of the state of So Paulo and Brazil, the Ibirapuera had as purpose integration of its users, and until today this is its purpose, mainly after the construction of cultural spaces and of ‘ ‘ marquise’ ‘. After the foundation of the Ibirapuera, other parks in So Paulo had been constructed in distinct localities and with the same ends, as for example: Park of the Acclimatization in the central area, Park of the Carmo in the zone east, State Park Alberto Loefgreen or Forest Horto in the zone north, Park of the White Water in the zone west and Park of Independence in the south zone, but none of these has the same importance of what the Park of the Ibirapuera. 4. Importance of areas verdesAs areas green in context of great cities enter as element essential it welfare of population, therefore has purpose to improve quality of life for recreation, for paisagismo and for preservation ambient, what it wants to say that the urban green areas are of extreme importance for the quality of the urban life, them act simultaneously on the physical and mental side of the man, absorbing noises, attenuating the heat of the sun, improving the quality of air, contributing for the formation and the improvement of the aesthetic look, etc.

    Posted by millionaire @ 12:36 am for General |

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