• General 10.01.2012 Comments Off on Internet Information

    Psychologists conducting various studies of human personality, and sometimes offer the world the most interesting things. One such discovery, interesting not only for psychologists, was the fact that people believe in any nonsense that is published online Internet. One reservation, these people derive most of the information from the Internet. This study was conducted by American psychologists who have studied a group of students over several years. As it turned out, the students almost entirely perceived as true, false, even delusional information. Students were informed that somewhere in the world, there is a so-called Isle of Dogs.

    On this island live happy dog for food which, on the island live a great number of rabbits. And was also false information about the tree octopus that crawled into the trees and feeding birds. But even more interesting was the conclusion American scientists. They decided that they must create a system that would limit the perception of nonsense people! I wonder how this system will look and function? Who will decide, is nonsense any of the information or not? Maybe the whole thing in education, when people on the basis of data at its disposal, can distinguish delirium from credible information. A system that will help people distinguish false information on the true, can be very effective tool to manipulate the masses. Surely, in such a system will necessarily be part of people, and people can choose those that may solve someone's favor. For example, in a major news site, you can declare nonsense statement of opposition, to refute the facts or statistics. The man himself has to decide what to believe him, and what constitutes a lie. Otherwise, people may be just a puppet, it is enough to tell him what believe and what not. Can you believe the nonsense from the Internet?

  • General 25.12.2011 Comments Off on Wikimedia Foundation

    It allows you to organize information, drained from various sources in a single encyclopedia article. A user who has read the article, the sum total picture of what is happening. Much more convenient to read information about the problem in the complex, than to collect it bit by bit from the newspapers, restoring the chronological order. Wikipedia is in step with the times. Naturally, the event causing great excitement, reflected in the Wikipedia. In August, for example, popular article about the Olympic Games in Beijing.

    During their conduct in this article was made about 200 edits per month page article has been viewed 150 thousand times. Wikipedia is certainly the most visible and popular, but not the only project of Wikimedia Foundation. There are several other equally interesting projects that illustrate the versatility of a good wiki-concept, which allows with equal success and to create a dictionary and an electronic library. Wiki, located at, will help to find a classic statement contemporary or any topic. Russian-speaking part Wikiquote is still small, but more interesting will be to participate in its filling. Wiki – a collection of quotes and catch phrase in all languages.

    Since its inception (21 September 2004) in Russian is available articles from 4430 citations. Wiktionary () – a free dictionary based on the wiki-concept. On the home page of the project it is advertised as’ sensible, grammatical, phraseological, etymological and multilingual dictionary, in the completion of each of which may be involved. ” Perhaps, this dictionary is not enough professional. The dictionary was opened on 1 May 2004, and now it contains 184 340 articles of the words derivational terms and phrases, more than 200 languages. Wikimedia Commons () – storage media files that can be used freely to create articles (such as Wikipedia, Wiktionary and other wiki-projects). Project Wikibooks () was created for the collective work of the educational literature. Of course, this resource will not replace the university library (for him to fully include the same warnings as to the Wikipedia), and to rely on him in the preparation of scientific papers, too, is not necessary, but nonetheless, find information on my hobby is quite possible. Anyone can supplement existing textbooks or start your own. In Russian is now available for 942 Articles with the texts. Wikisource () – a free library containing a variety of texts, from poetry to dictionaries. As Bce npoekty Wikimedia Foundation, Wiki is open to all comers, you can also replenish its collection. These may be previously published reference data, books, manuals, written by someone else (rather than by the visitors to the site) and represents a benefit. It is assumed that the posted texts will no longer be edited (except for corrections typos and design). The network has also projects Wikinews (), Wikiversity (), meta (), and Wikispecies () to find the right terms to use Wikipedia is no more difficult than the search service “Yandex” or. You should start your web browser, press F6 and type in the address bar, then press Enter and wait for the download site. In the search bar type the desired word, press the ‘Go’, and for all indexed articles click ‘Search’. If you are using Mozilla Firefox or Opera, you can add to a list of basic Wikipedia search engines and search the information you need using the search string.


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