• General 11.09.2017 Comments Off on Always Something Must Spend The Husband?

    Teach the first encounter or know seems to be the a rule. Often discusses who should pay either: the man or the woman? The gentleman invites the Lady: so is the law that is missing at any good parenting. But what’s behind it? Is it contemporary? Today we can fight about. Even etiquette articles or whole question dealing with the question of whether it is a “must”, the woman something to spend. An appreciation it is also the symbol of the “money earner”, which feeds on the woman, but at the same time. That they now only too well can feed itself, offend then often together, can even lead to misunderstandings. In this essay, I would like to explain my opinion.

    My mind is made up of a simple principle: the man should do, what he wants. And, indeed, what he wants of their own accord out. On Devil come out to please or impress anyone artificial not to anyone. That’s the trouser. Really! (Men with commonsense and) straight) women remember something like that. It all follows actually! He is of the opinion that it is appropriate to spend a beverage similar to the Lady, he should do it please! Where’s the problem? I just like to do that. I like no stinginess, and am gladly amazed by good friends who tap me on the shoulder and grinning keep me an another drink.

    A problem is only when one believes, “being able to buy attention or something else”. Therefore many men shy erweise pay just times silly and stupid, without to be able to post a single success. And often afterwards wondering why that it didn’t work out. How do you see that? You respond to discuss my girl and seduce women blog. Good luck with the response!

  • General 27.12.2016 Comments Off on Single Survey

    To the day of the kiss on the 6th of July the dating dating asked 1291 of its participants Cafe, meaning the first kiss for you. Hamburg. Is a kiss just a kiss? The first intimate contact of the lip is something special into a new love relationship without question. But what exactly does the kiss for kissing? The total promise of love for eternity in any case not as the result of a recent survey by dating Cafe in 1291 singles. The majority of respondents will test with the first kiss on a voyage of discovery, to its proximity to the partner. Only very few men and women (4 percent), however, combine the promise of a long future with this sensual expression of affection. At least 15 percent the kiss use consciously as sexy signal, that that more could follow. The results are roughly equal over all age groups.

    But the sexes feel him very well differently: especially women (66 per cent) want to move up with a kiss to the partner and find out what felt like the other close. Men call the importance of testing out while also most frequently, but with 46 percent significantly less than women. “Instead, men are more romantic: to explain 31 percent more men than women (20 percent), with the first kiss total in love being” to confess. For most of the first kiss is an important step in getting to know”, Bjorn Walter von dating finds Cafe. And as the results from the dating show Cafe, there are for the reasons why we kiss and we feel it, virtually no differences in terms of age.”


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