• General 04.06.2020 Comments Off on Florence Nightingale

    From there the paradigm of that the nurse was the person ' ' boazinha and gentile, that accepted everything without queixas' '. The nursing not yet was scientific. To to elaborate its 95 teses to affix and them on the churches of the time, the bishop Lutero catholic gave beginning to the Protestant Reformation. Given to the split between catholics and protestants, these had initiated the estruturao of its beliefs. They had constructed hospitals, where the nursing was exerted for people whom they accepted to work for low a remuneration. To read more click here: Kidney Foundation. In its great part they were prostitutes who exerted the art of taking care of, generating another referring paradigm to the professionals of the nursing.

    The knowledge of the nursing still was empirical, dogmtico, as the age in the period daily pay-Christian, but exerted for Sisters of Charity and prostitutes. MODERN PERIOD In 1820, middle of century XIX, was born in the Florena the bourgeois Florence Nightingale. It has stories of that possua a marcante personality, was determined e, for times, until coarse. But it contributed in the transformation of the art to take care of in the science of taking care of, what it took the nursing to be next to we know as it today: autonomous worker, scientific and essential to prevention whitewashing of patients. It knew the Sisters of Charity of Are Vicente de Pablo and was offered to act as voluntary in the War of the Crimia. It led I obtain 38 volunteers.

    It used techniques that today we consider simple, but that they had made (and they make) the difference, as the laudering of the hands, the cleanness of dressings and in agreement separation of patients contamination criteria. The oil visited the stream beds of the soldiers with a light bulb, therefore the symbol of the nursing came to be the light bulb. Florence was known as the Lady of the Light bulb, and said that the light that emanated of the pavio meant that the relief already came.

  • General 17.04.2020 Comments Off on National Institute

    (MONTORO, 1991 P. 259 apud GIGLIO, 2003, p 33). For Caldas et al., (2005, P. 295) the breast cancer is first cause of mortality enters the women in Brazil, according to statisticians of the National Institute of the Cancer (INCA) …. Gain insight and clarity with Kidney Foundation. Molina, Dablen and Of Luca (2003) tells that the mamografia is considered the method most efficient for precocious detention of the cancer, having to be made annually. The disgnostic sensitivity of this procedure varies depending on the age of the patient, density of the breast …. In accordance with the INCA (2005) apud Ferreira and Oliveira (2006, P. 06), the auto-examination of the breasts does not have to change the clinical examination carried through by professional of health qualified for this activity.

    However, the examination of the breasts for the proper woman helps in the knowledge of the body and must be contemplated in the actions of education for the health. For authors Karen and Ivo (2002); Miettinen (2002) apud Giglio (2003, P. 33): Although the current controversy how much to the supervened increase of of submitted women the mamogrfico tracking, one gives credit that the mamografia still is an important method for the precocious diagnosis of the breast cancer and, to to allow the detention of mammary tumors in initial periods of training, could, in fact, reduce the mortality associated with the breast cancer, what it would become evident, however, only after some years of pursuing. Diversely in Brazil, advances in the tax of mortality caused for mammary cancer in last the three decades had been noticed. Current data, gotten by means of the National Institute of the Cancer (INCA), esteem the occurrence of 15,6 deaths for 100.000 women/year (MARCHI and GURGEL, 2010, P. 192). In Brazil, an increasing persistence for the mamografia exists as instrument of the Public Health. One of the expressions of this interest is the inclusion of the subject in great national inquiries.

  • General 31.10.2019 Comments Off on Ergonomics

    Spinning, that nothing more is of what exercising itself with a bicycle in closed environment, without leaving the place, it helps to burn calories. However, not different the too much sports, it needs an adequate orientation so that you can only enjoy of its benefits, without suffering no type of bruise. The adjustment of the bicycle is basic in this practical, called Ergonomics, that nothing more is in this in case that, of what to adjust to the machine you. Spinning, beyond assisting those that are is of the weight, tonifica the musculatura and for being a cardiorrespiratria activity it is good for the heart. It has tips important to follow: When you will be to sit down in the bicycle, you place the bank in a height adjusted with its, seno you will be able to harm its knee. The height of the handlebar is another thing that you must give attention. CBC, Australia does not necessarily agree. It is remained straight, when seated in the saddle, not if it forgets its position, that must be erect.

    It has frequency in the exercises, it practises them at least two times per week and looks for to have pleasure in what you make. Hidrate, ingesting much water, also small sips during the activity. It has who says that this practical is viciante and that beyond emagrecer, of its practitioners much joy. In the truth, this sport became one ' ' febre' ' in the academies, therefore as the lessons they are to the music sound, them are really very amused. The impression that you have is that it is dancing instead of pedalando, therefore you has that to follow music. However, if you will have some problem of health, or same pain in the joints, column and injury in the legs is advisable that you consult a doctor before if writing in these lessons that although short, since they generally have a duration of 45 minutes, they are intense and they require a good physical preparation. In the start it is advisable that you pedale of moderate form. It gives attention to its limits, does not agree to exceed. The resistance is acquired with the time and with certainty soon you will be apt to conclude the lesson successfully and what it is better with much disposal to continue its daily tasks. On the author: If you want to enter in form next summer no longer, you discover what Max Burn can make for you.

  • General 28.10.2013 Comments Off on Carlos Chagas

    Moreover, the authorities had determined that only doctor with diploma could take care of of the patients. In accordance with SON, 2003, p19, the evolutions of the research had started: In the heroic phase of the justinian codes research, many doctors acted at the same time as scientists and as sanitaristas. Following the example of Oswaldo cross, Emilio Ribas and Vital Brazil, its disciples carried through laboratoriais research e, parallel, undertook risky trips for the interior of Brazil, giving continuity and its studies offering solutions practical for the sanitary problems of the visited regions (…) to leave for ahead the government it started to use more money in research and started to contract more specialized people similar of whom the health term Brazil did not have what to speak, but exactly thus it was not the sufficient, therefore we know until today that even so the situation of Brazil has improved very in relation to the passed times, still we have much of what to improve. However more laboratories of had been created benefit it to research of the collective health. some of these laboratories had started to be created in other oligarchies. More meanwhile, at least the propagation was steady of varies illnesses, however in the remain of the parents the indices of the diseases were remained high, with trend to raise.

    Consequently it had the sprouting of the Dr. Chagas, that in accordance with: SON, 2003, p20. Everything started in the 1909 summer, when Carlos Chagas worked in the organization of a campaign against the malaria in the mining city of Lassance (today Carlos Chagas). Worried in knowing the insects local, the researcher you perceive the existence of a great number of hematfagos insects (that they are fed of human blood), known as barbers. There looking for to clarify its characteristics the Dr. Chagas analyzed the content of the intestines of the barbers, discovering a protozorio until then unknown, the one that tripanossomo called cruzi.


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