• General 03.09.2019 Comments Off on Socialist Economies

    A quality human resource to guide strategically to the increased production of human capital. Quality of life and people, pursuit of happiness, capital (economic or human), are synonyms that refer to a industrialization in which the human and nature are not more than that: resources to be exploited to maximize the benefits, economic, social, employment and achieve a better quality of life where happiness prevails. How to achieve this happiness? If the measure passes time are more and better techniques for obtaining the benefits expected by the market, and nature is being increasingly torn apart, within this ourselves. The Homonatropia raised by the establishment of a new industrial order, of course, highlighting the social, human and natural within the legal context, legal organizational at all levels. A person engaged to sweep the streets could become the "city farmer" because it is the mainstay of the collection of "artificial recoverable resources" which is not nothing but trash or waste misnamed; classification of this resource is essential for the development of a parallel industry can reduce the extraction of the goods of nature. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Childrens Defense Fund. Within this context, obviously, we should note the appearance work.

    There are so-called socialist economies, or in the process of establishment of their national state taxes, in which organizational structures is a clear separation of levels of command in operational levels, marked levels of status, handling of wages and salaries on a commercial basis between other features too far from a socialist approach, really. Within the process of human development could be considered socialism as a stage in its evolution, but if this ideology is eminently economic policy in its scope is limited because: – Maintain the human being as a simple resource Labour market – Nature is treated as a department store – Work is still a good vulgar Homonatropia is: Man, Nature, Work. It is within this context that efforts should be directed to achieve a revolution that will allow us to achieve that happiness awaited by all generations, if not possible to reach at least achieve minimum balance between individuals and with nature as an essential basis of the existence of both. Revolution means change determinants of lifestyle, otherwise they are only changes in a system that could be more of the same or simply maintaining a life marked by economic policies that subject the human and natural to market demands and competition. ALL human beings are born WITH THE INTENTION OF SOMETHING WE NEED ONLY INTERACT WITH NATURE AND AMONG U.S., THEN LEARN TO READ AND WRITE. "Science is basically a combination of good logical reasoning with good knowledge of actual natural phenomena" Gilbert. m


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