• General 28.03.2016

    Take control of our lives is a decision of great responsibility, means accepting that the world we experience today is because we’ve conditioned that way, consciously this idea sounds completely absurd and disturbing, but from the point of view of the mental programming and the powers of the spiritual forces thus works, then what should we do? Since logically we must program what we want, as we choose food that we like when we are in a restaurant, but accept that programming implies a huge responsibility with ourselves and many times this condition becomes unacceptable for many people. If we remember the famous Chinese proverb: when you find a hungry man at sea, not give him fish, teach him to fish, this sentence leaves us a great teaching and is the transmit power to one person, the ability to do something already represents a certain amount of independence, but this means being willing to learn, is obviously much easier to wait quietly and receive, but what is the consequence? We become dependent and our inner power is far from ignite. Many people feel victims of various circumstances and there are those who make them believe that they are unfortunate!, but this is totally false, we are all powerful, the big difference is we are going by removing us shields to go closer to our spiritual essence, no matter in what situation or condition you will find at this time, if you have a deep desire for change will find all the conditions to develop their goals. Imagine the seriousness of certain people to say statements like the following: can not! They are useless!, here there are no opportunities!, blame it on the Government!, etc. Many people adopt these negative beliefs and deepen them in his being and that is why people experience problems continuously. Nor will it be hard of heart and not have charity and compassion, there are emerging situations that support should be immediate, but the most efficient way to give It is teach people their true capabilities and boost their desires with development supports, i.e.

    every favorable condition for a person to undertake an idea, that is fabulous, then people will know that they can achieve greater things to the extent that propose it and adopt positive beliefs. The book changing our system of beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar shows an enormous amount of strategies to get people to understand the characteristics of their own spiritual power and how their beliefs fully determine their lives, by reading this book you will change the perception of the world, will open your eyes to the light of truth and checks all efficient methodologies for yourself. The great challenge of the belief is that it always works with power, no matter if it is positive or negative, it is your responsibility to install positive ideas in your subconscious mind, although today there is an enormous amount of people who seem to be turning in circle without direction looking solutions everywhere, when all the Secrets are in themselves. If you unable to be discovered, then be always accompanied by great power and every day will see fewer problems and greater satisfaction, you will also see things that few elected, so that don’t be afraid are only reserved for some, life should be a great experience.

    Posted by millionaire @ 12:56 pm for General |

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