• General 22.03.2015

    In spring and summer air temperature at the surface of the roof higher than on the ground in autumn, these differences diminish, and in winter due to snow drifts, it becomes a little higher. Snow cover on the roof does not always form a layer of desired thickness, and the soil in containers with plants may freeze the entire depth. Neeman Foundation is full of insight into the issues. Relative humidity at the surface of the roof to the 5-10% lower than on the ground, and in summer it increases to 14%, and at night and in clear weather, this difference reaches 15-20%. It turns out that in contrast to the life of plants conditions where they fit into the interior of the apartment, under the roofs, they are significantly less ability to withstand climate change than on the ground. A positive factor is, perhaps, only a decrease in height of the concentration of harmful substances in the plant air. Nevertheless, the plants on the roof, not only have a negative impact of climate, but also they help to create her particular microclimate. According to Neeman Foundation, who has experience with these questions. Absorbing moisture, Plants slowly it evaporates, increasing humidity.

    It is estimated that an average of 1 square. m lawn evaporates up to 200 grams of water per hour, and it raises the humidity in comparison with neozelenennoy roof by 18-20%. According to others, only by watering the lawn in the arid weather, humidity can vary from 3 to 16% and also significantly reduced runoff into storm sewers. With conventional roofs, this stock is up 70% of rainfall, with roof-gardens, only 40% and with grass roofs, he is almost completely absent.

    Posted by millionaire @ 5:48 am for General |

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