• General 18.07.2020 Comments Off on English Roses

    The latter can be called Shrub simply because they do not belong to any of the categories listed above, and roses. Ostinki (English Roses) and nostalgic roses are in great demand among fans of Rose recently enjoyed a rose breeding David Austin (David Austin). English roses result from crossing the French, Damask, Bourbon, and other modern varieties of roses from Hybrid Tea roses and floribunda roses group. Institute of Cancer Research often says this. For years, the breeder J. Austin worked on the program for creation of roses, reminiscent of old species, but with a modern painting of a flower, and the ability to re-bloom.

    Rose D. Austin appeared in the last quarter of the twentieth century. If you would like to know more about Cancer Research Institute, then click here. Their flowers are deep-bath, various colors: pale apricot, deep-yellow, dark red, they pionovidnoy form, very fragrant and look nostalgically old-fashioned. Shrubs, compact, good shape, re-blooming. Many varieties resistant to disease.

    Merit D. Austin is that he returned to the world the love of the old forms of the flower (long considered the ideal goblet Rose Tea hybrid type), as well as to the bulk structure of the shrub. David Austin Roses Glamis Castle Golden Celebration Pat Austin more like a bed of roses D. Austin and his assortment of roses in our online store, see the article "Austin Roses." Fashion flowers to an old nostalgic form, revived D. Austin, could not affect the breeding work of others, cultivating roses. Often rose with nostalgic flowers form in garden stores sell under the name of the English Roses. We think that should be considered and the merits of German and French producers, but derived by them Rose allocate separately.

  • General 20.12.2019 Comments Off on Ironing Board

    How to choose an ironing board? This question is often raised to the buyer. More often than not having full information about this product, the buyer makes a choice based solely on external data ironing board. Our company 'PRIMAHOUSE' is one of the leading manufacturers of ironing boards in Russia and our experts can be rightly regarded as one of the best experts in this matter. Perhaps check out Viktor Mayer-Schönberger for more information. So which is better: ironing board on Chipboard or ironing board on a metal grid? Of course the price of goods is often itself speaks for itself. Ironing boards are not isklyucheniem.Doski on a metal grid is more expensive and therefore better. (By the way for production companies 'PRIMAHOUSE' subject to the same criteria – the more expensive products are higher quality, functionality and reliability.) But even so the choice of the ironing board must be based on your requests for this product and carefully examine the goods before buying following our recommendations.

    Now the order of the advantages and disadvantages: on the ironing board chipboard – harder, less comfortable when folding and installation, and often have a functional board menshe.Naprimer almost impossible to find a board with an antenna on the DSP to support the wire from iron or a mesh laundry. When choosing a board, note the quality of the connection legs between them. If you have the opportunity to check this board on ustoychivost.I HIGHLIGHTS: Pay attention to attachment. They should be made of metal and metal only. Any plastic mount will reduce the life of your board at times.

  • General 30.12.2018 Comments Off on Placement And Filling Wardrobe Rooms

    When psychologists recommended minimum number of rooms for the family – one for each family member plus one general, they have not thought about the most numerous 'inhabitants' of our apartments – the things that we wear. In fact, in each person has a lot of things just need, given our climate zone, with its cold and slush. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger: the source for more info. But you want more diversity and, therefore, safely be necessary to increase the number of surviving and even three times, so here and get the total number of items stored in the house. And to keep them in order not to crumple, rumple not 'utrambovyvaya', and then dig in multilayer deposits, should be allocated for storing clothes special room. This may be a separate room, where you can keep things the whole family – parents and children. Or you can make a separate dressing room for the parents, next to the bedroom, and next to a children's room – for children's clothing. If the size of the apartment allows the organization dressing room is not a problem, we need only consider the best of its location and 'stuffing'. And if the apartment is small? Even in a small-sized bedroom can allocate space and build space for storage, and this does not necessarily entail large costs. For example, you can put a high wall in the bed. The room, with, of course, lose part of their 'visible' area, but when you consider that you do not have to put in a bedroom closet for bulky clothing, in general, the loss will be small.

  • General 03.03.2017 Comments Off on Stylish Furniture

    Modern and stylish furniture to complement any home. Therefore, people tend to decorate their homes as the most stylish furniture of the last samples. Therefore, choosing the right furniture is essential. Complicates the selection of furniture – variety of options for furniture design. People often get confused about what to choose and what to leave. Another problem that people often face when choosing furniture – the budget. In all cases, be seen that the buyer need help purchase of furniture for the home.

    Choosing the right furniture When you buy furniture for your home, you need to consider three things: comfort, design and budget. Excluding these three important factors you can not select good furniture for your home. Comfort is the most important factor when choosing furniture. If your furniture is very stylish, but not convenient, you can not enjoy the comfort of the furniture situation. The budget also imposes significant limitations. Therefore, need to think carefully before choosing expensive items of furniture for your home. After weighing everything and looking at different proposals, you can make a more accurate and profitable purchase. It is important to pay attention to color and design of your furniture, because they can greatly to decorate the house, as well as create a great atmosphere inside.

    If possible, choose furniture design in accordance with the color scheme of your home. For example, if the room predominantly white has a range, the orange couch against a general background will not look justified. It would be better if you take the sofa with the same white color or contrast, dark color with high contrast. It will provide live look to your living room. Brand Black Red White world famous manufacturer of furniture for home and office. In Ukraine, the only official representative of the company BRW BRW Kyiv.

  • General 22.03.2015 Comments Off on Entire Humidity

    In spring and summer air temperature at the surface of the roof higher than on the ground in autumn, these differences diminish, and in winter due to snow drifts, it becomes a little higher. Snow cover on the roof does not always form a layer of desired thickness, and the soil in containers with plants may freeze the entire depth. Neeman Foundation is full of insight into the issues. Relative humidity at the surface of the roof to the 5-10% lower than on the ground, and in summer it increases to 14%, and at night and in clear weather, this difference reaches 15-20%. It turns out that in contrast to the life of plants conditions where they fit into the interior of the apartment, under the roofs, they are significantly less ability to withstand climate change than on the ground. A positive factor is, perhaps, only a decrease in height of the concentration of harmful substances in the plant air. Nevertheless, the plants on the roof, not only have a negative impact of climate, but also they help to create her particular microclimate. According to Neeman Foundation, who has experience with these questions. Absorbing moisture, Plants slowly it evaporates, increasing humidity.

    It is estimated that an average of 1 square. m lawn evaporates up to 200 grams of water per hour, and it raises the humidity in comparison with neozelenennoy roof by 18-20%. According to others, only by watering the lawn in the arid weather, humidity can vary from 3 to 16% and also significantly reduced runoff into storm sewers. With conventional roofs, this stock is up 70% of rainfall, with roof-gardens, only 40% and with grass roofs, he is almost completely absent.

  • General 19.12.2011 Comments Off on Eastern

    You have long dreamed of a spacious house with a huge portion and the fence, which would allow you to protect itself from the noise of the outside world. You spent alo forces to carry out this dream and now, finally, may well rest in its cozy house, or walk on his own yard. But something was missing. On the site there is no recreational facilities, such as arbors, where you can sit with friends, well, or just relax alone. In this article we will learn how their own hands to build this missing ingredient to your idyll. Pavilions were built in ancient times for completely different purposes.

    Small tents were used in Eastern markets, as modern stalls. The Romans built these facilities for recreation and celebration. In Egypt, the gazebo is often replaced by the house servants. Today function arbors has not changed, but the most common use of this miracle of uncomplicated architecture – is the creation of comfort for their own recreation. What is a pergola? This is a small private facility, or semi-open type. Outdoor gazebo is a light design without walls. Such gazebo most are portable, so they do not have under a rigid foundation.

    They are suitable, as a rule, only to rest in a dry summer weather. Stationary arbors are more reliable and durable. For the construction of flood foundation. These gazebos can be collected even from metal parts and used even in winter. Since most landlines gazebos and even make the closed-warmed.


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