• General 10.07.2019 Comments Off on Shooters Club Iggelheim

    This year the shooters Club invited 1960 all shooters and not protect e.V. to every known Easter egg shoot at the shooting range on the Haid hump in Iggelheim. Since the production of rabbits caused much headache, all rejoiced that they were so admired. Four days, numerous large and small visitors could prove their skills with the air and small-calibre gun and received prizes such as 15 large and 300 small Easter Bunny 7840 Easter eggs and 900 surprise eggs here. Thanks to the young star child gewehres that extra, acquired for the children under 12 years of age were allowed to also shoot, even the smallest shooters could demonstrate their skills with glazed eyes. Therefore, also the onslaught of the children was very large. As a reward, there was little bunnies and u eggs, what visibly enjoyed the small.

    The members of rifle clubs Iggelheim 1960 e.V. is pleased about the growing supply and the positive balance. We hope it has been much fun for all and we would like all again on May 1st from 10:00 to welcome 18:00 June bug shooting. Also is thanked the many volunteers of the shooters Club, who have helped with their commitment, to make this all possible. Info: company information: Wolfgang Fiedler was born on the 23.12.1956 in Landau an der ISAR (Bayern) and now lives with his family in the vicinity of Hassloch. He is author of the book, hobby Cook and hardly. Employee. PresseKontakt / Agency: Wolfgang Fiedler Lutzelstrasse 67459 Bohl Iggelheim

  • General 07.07.2019 Comments Off on German Sports Badge Cooperate

    New membership in the German sports with ‘real value’ of Bochum, June 30, 2010 – cooperating GYMCARD of the German Gymnastics Federation (DTB) and the German sports card. As of July 2010, the approximately 150,000 representatives of the DTB clubs and 650,000 sport card holders form a common platform of athletes and thus enjoy the benefits of a completely new information and offer world. The new GYMCARD is accessible from now no longer only volunteers, but is all members of the nearly 20,000 DTB clubs available as a new membership card. The owner of the GYMCARD will also receive access to official information and communication portal of the German sports card at sportausweis.de. To deepen your understanding Center For Responsible Lending is the source. In addition to information provided by associations and clubs from all over Germany offers the advanced world of advantage over 800 exclusive offers, including sporting events, shopping tips, travel and hotels, as well as a credit card to beantragende separately, the GYMCARD MasterCard GOLD. In addition, the new GYMCARD enables reduced participation in 3,000 events of the DTB and its Gymnastics federations. Thanks to the cooperation between GYMCARD and German sports badge GYMCARD holders on a still wider range of advantage can access and networked to other athletes across all sports nationwide”, so Stephan Penz, CEO of DSA German sports card. There is all the information about the new GYMCARD under and.

  • General 20.12.2018 Comments Off on Federal Ministry Federal

    Exhibition KinderWunschKinder, action fertility e.V. action fertility e.V. passes to the Federal Minister of health and the Federal Ministry for family thousands signed demand catalogs to improve conditions unintentionally childless. / On Kollwitzplatz a gallery with hundreds of pictures of babies drawn up, which would not be there without the reproductive medicine. Leipzig, April 4, 2010. With its third nationwide protest action action fertility e.V.

    promotes on May 08, 2010 on the Kollwitzplatz in Berlin to increased attention for the 1.4 million unintentionally childless in Germany (source: Allensbach study 2007). During this event the Association wants passed several thousand signed demand letter, which include the objectives of the Association, the Federal Minister of health, Dr. Hear from experts in the field like Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine for a more varied view. Philipp Rosler, and the Federal Family Minister Kristina Schroder. The catalogue is currently nationwide signed by concerned people. In addition, KinderWunschKinder are on the Kollwitzplatz under the motto”hundreds of photos of babies placed, arising solely from medical help. Each second frames will remain empty. Thus should be symbolizes how many children could be born in addition if would improve the conditions for involuntarily childless.

    Since the health care reform, only half as many children are born, caused by reproductive medicine? These children would repay the cost of treatment but to many times in the form of taxes, social security and health insurance contributions. I consider a fallacy”savings, explains Chairman Ina Ganschow (37). This protest action, action fertility e.V. again defends itself against the one-sided debate on declining birth rates in Germany. Meanwhile, every seventh pair is involuntarily childless. And rising! But those affected are barely mentioned and received too little support in their efforts to their own children. The Association fights among other things, that the Federal Government infertility as a disease acknowledges. Continue action fertility e.V. calls for full funding of four reproductive treatments, as well as the approval of egg donation and Embryonenspenden in Germany. For many, this is the last chance for a special child from a medical perspective”so Ina Ganschow. In other European countries, these procedures are approved. Action fertility was launched almost three years ago by men and women in the life, which are themselves unintentionally childless / were. Since January 25, 2008, action fertility is a registered charity. The members come from all over Germany. The catalogue of demands, as well as information about the planned action to find are at.

  • General 21.10.2018 Comments Off on Children Run 1180 Kilometers For

    Donations run by Timmendorf to Munich Munich. The starting point for the relay under the motto children run for children”fell on 27 June at 12 noon. The first children started at the Timmendorfer Strand. Enter the runners their season over 1,180 kilometres further on, until they run on July 3, 2010 at the cattle market in Munich. The relay team include 21 teenagers and six adult of Athletics youth of TSV Wolfhagen.

    In all stations, TSV Wolf Hagen on the relay and its charity informed: the Sports Association collects donations for the action “KidAiD against child poverty in Germany” the German life bridge. Come celebrities from the fields of sports, politics and music to the stations of the relay race and giving autographs. Patron of children run for children”is Federal Health Minister Philipp Rosler (FDP). He and other prominent sponsors, such as for example the President of the German life bridge Eduard Prinz of Anhalt, the singer Nicole, the Federal SPD Chairman Sigmar Gabriel, the Long-distance runner Thomas Wessinghage, the Supernanny Katharina Saalfran and many others support the young runners. The mileage going uphill and downhill. It is very tiring in the heat for the children. However, they are highly motivated: you want to create the long distance from Timmendorf to Munich and to collect so many donations for the German life bridge.

    Since 2003, the German life bridge with KidAiD against child poverty in Germany funded”nationally important deals in children’s and youth centres. With the help of donations, the German life Bridge allows free hot meals, cooking classes and other educational offerings. Because child poverty has many faces: bad diet, lack of education, lack of human warmth and social isolation. The KidAiD “action to make children fit for life and also includes making sport. Because the children have fun in sports, get self confidence and learn social behavior, discipline and team spirit at the same time. Thus the German life bridge financed poor children membership of sports clubs and youth clubs equips with sports equipment.

  • General 27.04.2017 Comments Off on General Assembly

    New risk for the public interest? Munich/Planegg, 04th 12th 2009 actually should announce the launch of the voluntary work allowance a pulse, to support the commitment to clubs. But the current letter of the Ministry of finance from October 14, 2009 creates even more confusion. Its contents actually consistently enforced, threatens the loss of public interest clubs or associations, which currently currently want to settle the compensation for their Board members, under certain circumstances. The renowned Club expert Prof. Gerhard Geckle refers in a current commentary on Association. In principle, you may pay their part-time, volunteer activities also on board members. So, it regulates 3 No.

    26a EStG. Pay up to 500 euro per year a club can each active Board as appropriate compensation\”for paid expenses for meetings etc., the compensation is then tax and social insurance-free. However: The remuneration must be in principle from result of the Statute, otherwise the Club violates the law of charitable status. So far, so clear. However, how it looks in real life Club? One may imagine following situation: In the Sports Club is a Board meeting, where also the flat-rate allowances for the year to end; be billed for each active Board around 300 euros. It has handled already last year this firm confidence on the new package of volunteering.

    Already, the General Assembly has taken a decision of principle to only a provision of the Statute with the deletion of the principle of volunteering, it does not exist yet. This should be rescheduled mid 2010 about the rotating upcoming General Assembly then still. The circular letter of October 14, 2009 the fourth in a row on the subject means first all-clear for all those clubs, the statutes still not the new legislation have adapted: the period is extended until 31.12.2010. In addition, the management statement contains a welcome Equity rule: After you also Board remuneration without amendment to the Constitution, which so far has been paid out, be tolerated.

  • General 08.03.2017 Comments Off on Federal Ministry

    Deadline for statute adaptation Munich/Planegg, set on December 31, 2010 January 13, 2010 who is charitable volunteers, allowed by his club also a moderate financial recognition to receive. The personal tax allowance of up to 500 euros per year represents a real support for every sports-oriented, social or cultural engagement, must pay but the receiver to no taxes and the Club no social security contributions. Many clubs and associations pay the commitment of its Executive Board or Committee members accordingly in the form of attendance fees or a moderate lump-sum expense allowance. But the legislature has established charitable status has always been on strict conditions so here: the Management Board remuneration must be explicitly included in the statutes of the Association, previous indicator on a purely voluntary activity of the Management Board shall be deleted. The deadline for an appropriate adjustment of the Statute was extended repeatedly, December 31, 2010 is now final set as a date. Unfortunately the so-called voluntary work package has taken care of since its introduction in 2007 for much uncertainty, even confusion.

    Even after the fourth circular letter of October last year a problem seemed not finally resolved: how would the financial authorities with paid expenses of clubs/associations procedures, which have not yet changed their statutes? If for example the end of 2009 on its Board of directors a lump transferred, attendance fees were detected to a Board Member, that this even back has donated? Not only the Treasurer/Treasurer the anxious question should assert themselves, whether lightly is not the charitable status of his club to the game. But now the Club portal by Redmark reported a positive development: lawyer Prof. Gerhard Geckle from Freiburg, the Federal Ministry of finance had asked for a clarification to the circular letter of October 14, 2009.

  • General 06.05.2015 Comments Off on BBE Holst

    8th week of chess in the Billstedt-center Hamburg Hamburg, October 8, 2009. The FreiwiligenBorseHamburg distributed 108 chessboards on October 5 to small thinking athlete. 54 day-care centres with two chess boards were presented during the 8th week of chess of the Billstedt-Center from October 5th-10th. “Bernd p. Holst: volunteering is also from each other learning, a coexistence of large and small”, explains the project leader of the FBH the objective of the action, which opened the week of action in the Billstedt-Center together with the Hamburg Chess Club.

    Throughout the week Schachbegeisterte and those who want to become able to experience live simultaneous tournaments by chess masters in the Billstedt-Center. Each from 15:30 16:30 there is chess lessons for school groups. The voluntary exchange Hamburg Hamburg conveyed across the Union, political – and religion-independent for the sake of time, money and in-kind donations between citizens and organisations in the metropolitan area. Credit: Boy Scouts of America-2011. In the database, maintained by the voluntary exchange and manages tasks are about 1800 1100 projects from more than 600 organizations transparently shown. More information about the project, see or.

    Project Manager Bernd p. Holst is a member of the Federal associations of BBE (www.b-b-e.de) and bagfa.


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