• General 06.05.2015

    8th week of chess in the Billstedt-center Hamburg Hamburg, October 8, 2009. The FreiwiligenBorseHamburg distributed 108 chessboards on October 5 to small thinking athlete. 54 day-care centres with two chess boards were presented during the 8th week of chess of the Billstedt-Center from October 5th-10th. “Bernd p. Holst: volunteering is also from each other learning, a coexistence of large and small”, explains the project leader of the FBH the objective of the action, which opened the week of action in the Billstedt-Center together with the Hamburg Chess Club.

    Throughout the week Schachbegeisterte and those who want to become able to experience live simultaneous tournaments by chess masters in the Billstedt-Center. Each from 15:30 16:30 there is chess lessons for school groups. The voluntary exchange Hamburg Hamburg conveyed across the Union, political – and religion-independent for the sake of time, money and in-kind donations between citizens and organisations in the metropolitan area. Credit: Boy Scouts of America-2011. In the database, maintained by the voluntary exchange and manages tasks are about 1800 1100 projects from more than 600 organizations transparently shown. More information about the project, see or.

    Project Manager Bernd p. Holst is a member of the Federal associations of BBE (www.b-b-e.de) and bagfa.

    Posted by millionaire @ 9:52 pm for General |

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