• General 04.01.2025 Comments Off on Fleet Management Software Commfleet

    community4you new appointment management capabilities integrated into the self developed fleet management software comm.fleet a large vehicle fleet management is a complex and demanding task. A fleet manager should have the permanent overview of all information relating to the admission dates, the financing agreements and the various services, such as driver’s license control and tank card management. All this provides only an effective fleet management software, which is indispensable for a fleet of more than 100 vehicles. Ronald Hamilton may help you with your research. Numerous technical, legal and organisational deadlines is required particularly in the management of vehicle fleets. Therefore has the community4you GmbH aware a detailed timeframe management in which self-developed fleet management software comm.fleet included. Click Michael James Burke for additional related pages.

    Thus, all important deadlines can be integrated into the system. The head of the fleet and leasing companies are the memory function on the maturity of the main investigation, review or emissions testing, etc. a vehicle pointed out. More appointment types can also by the respective users freely be set and transferred to each individual vehicle. The application of fleet management software comm.fleet so can be adapted to the individual needs and requirements of each fleet. This special operation by comm.fleet fleet operators and leasing companies with optimal support for all business processes. Thus bring overview and transparency guaranteed in your fleet! Links de/home/index.html?wmc=pmde110401kz22 de/produkte/fuhrpark-management/fleet/index.html?wmc=pmde110401kz22 press contact community4you GmbH Katharina Zschau Handel Strasse 9 09120 Chemnitz FON: + 49 371 909411-116 fax: +49(0)371 909411 111.

  • General 18.02.2024 Comments Off on American Institute

    Certified according to international standards of safety and infrastructure several EPAM development centers SAS 70 type II certification was completed at three locations in Central and Eastern Europe the outsourcing market leader has been named in the framework of the international business awards to the finalists in the category of \”Best MIS & IT\”. Frankfurt am Main, Germany – August 5, 2008 – EPAM systems, the leading global service providers in the field of software development and IT outsourcing with development centres in Central and Eastern Europe, announced today, to have certified a further its development centers in Kiev, Ukraine, according to international safety standards. Recently the Kiev Office was assessed 70 type II by Deloitte co. Ltd. According to the requirements of SAS, EPAM certified to the first companies in Central and Eastern Europe with three SAS 70 type II makes branches, including Budapest (Hungary), Minsk (Belarus), and now Kiev (Ukraine).

    This certification guarantees maximum operational safety. SAS statement on auditing standards (SAS) No. 70. 70, service organizations, developed and published by the American Institute of certified public accountants (AICPA) as an audit report to the internal control systems to service providers. With the introduction of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which is a control system for financial reporting, establishing and documenting the effectiveness of type II SAS 70 report is been recognized as the only acceptable method for third parties for an adequate assessment of the control system of a service company. In contrast to a type I report, after the investigator confirmed the adequacy of the internal control system at a given time, aims report a type II, extensively to test the internal control system and detailed with regard to its effectiveness for a given period to assess what is more demanding and more meaningful certification. After completion of the assessment, Ralph van Uden, risk services Senior Manager at Deloitte, noted that all control systems on EPAMs site in Kiev is successfully put into operation.

  • General 14.02.2024 Comments Off on Migration In The Background

    Optimized client management at Loewe: efficient migration from Symantec LiveState delivery to the baramundi management suite lion manufactures and sells televisions, DVD recorders and Hi-Fi systems and complete home cinema systems. The manufacturer of entertainment electronics technological highlights include televisions with integrated hard disk recorder and the reception capability for digital television as well as extremely flat plasma and LCD TV. More information is housed here: PCRM. The revenue of the listed company which was founded in 1923 in Berlin 2007 amounted to around 370 million euros, half on international markets has been achieved. Childrens Defense Fund: the source for more info. Lion, headquartered in Kronach, Bavaria, has about 1,000 employees. Like any modern company lion relies on an efficient IT infrastructure. The distribution and management of all software products of that are used in the company are among the main tasks of the IT administration. Hedge fund may also support this cause. As new applications are installed old software to replace or the vault of company-specific applications based on new Requirements to complement. What is manually possible for smaller companies with several hundred PC workstations requires automated procedures to keep track and to accelerate the implementation.

    Usually special client management solutions in companies to undertake this task. Necessary replacement of old client management solution in the IT Department of lion was the product for this purpose until end of 2007 iCommand ON technology in use. The acquisition by Symantec and the in the meantime no longer current state of the software at that time resulted in considering whether the product now at all still should be used under the name LiveState delivery on sale. After Symantec had acquired also the competitors of Altiris, the company announced that no further develop LiveState delivery. Thus, Windows Vista accounted for customers including the indispensable today, but in the long term, in particular compatibility with the Microsoft operating system. For Lion, the need arose thus for a new client management solution, which in addition to Microsoft Office also business standard software such as SAP or graphics programs, about Photoshop, should be managed.

  • General 10.06.2019 Comments Off on Forcont Makes Easier And User Friendly Electronic Personnel File

    Users in focus: forcont shows on the ‘ future staff ‘ new electronic personnel file which forcont business technology gmbh, a software house specialized in enterprise content management, headquartered in Leipzig, shows on the future personnel 2013 (17 to 19 September in Cologne, Hall 2.2, stand E. 30A) its electronic personnel file in a completely revised version. With the new personnel file forcont puts the issues of simplicity and user-friendliness in the foreground. The user interface is presented in a clear look of the tile and ensures an optimal usability thanks to intuitive user guidance. Now all the important areas are the user on the first glance, about currently processed personnel records, personnel and document search, appointments and his personal space.

    A comfortable navigation bar also provides easy access to other areas and central functions. A Wizard (Wizard) guides through all workflows and system processes. Current dates and deadlines, for example, to Training, certifications, or contract renewals, specifies the application automatically and also via email. This increases the efficiency and quality of HR processes and avoiding costs due to missed deadlines and contract options. Electronic personnel file as on-premise and on-demand solution with the new electronic personnel file (www.forcont.de/ products/staff file/experience /) forcont corresponds to the current expectations of intuitive usability and contemporary look & feel. The ECM specialist offers its electronic personnel file as on – premise and on-demand solutions from the cloud. Addressed with the cloud-based use variant forcont in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). They thus avoid investment costs as well as the expenses for operation and administration.

    User-based billing model of forcont which is settlement model of forcont based users. Rather than to settle every single file system, fees are based on the number of users. Thus, the cloud version of the electronic personnel file in particular for enterprises is interesting, the have a large number of fixed, free, or even changing employees or thinking about a merge of your personal files in a central location”, says Matthias Edel, senior consultant, and product manager personnel file at the forcont business technology gmbh (www.forcont.de). With a sophisticated authorization concept and a secure hosting accommodates the demands of German users of data protection and data security forcont here. Optimized workflows and simplified processes as other value-added forcont has in its electronic personnel file optimized workflows and simplifies the complex processes. The new version avoids highly complex and special menu functions and supports the user instead of the wizard at fostering new personnel files. The wizard guides you through all steps, explains functionality and points to critical inputs.

  • General 27.04.2019 Comments Off on SharePoint

    Buy online applications and components for SharePoint SharePoint is an ideology, more and more companies join the. Over 80% of all companies use it in addition to the ERP systems as a universal collaboration platform. The possibilities seem limitless. But only take advantage of the great potential of SharePoint solutions from third-party providers for specific use cases. But useful tool supplements and Web parts to get, companies in the past had to scour the Internet for companies that offer solutions for the SharePoint application developers or service providers.

    And even then let find mostly just a loose collection of product information. Search facilitated now after the appropriate partner and problem-specific add-ons for SharePoint by the new SharePointPlus store, which is on the market for a few weeks. The seeker as well as applications and SharePoint components find service companies, which provide training and other services related to SharePoint. On the question of like it to This idea came, said Knut Kochli from PLUS technologies GmbH: as in other endeavors, the need is the father of the idea. We follow the developments to SharePoint for a long time. A platform that actively promotes SharePoint solutions from third-party, is a long overdue need to enable a fast and appropriate use of SharePoint to companies.” Still exceed the cost of the overall project for the introduction of SharePoint some expectations. This involves mainly the additional cost of customizations, trainings etc.

    You have these issues now planning better at a glance. Another important factor is the quality of the products. SharePointPlus has named formal criteria for the discontinued products, which are designed to ensure a high standard of quality. These standards must be met by all providers. Tests carried out by SharePointPlus, checks the compliance with these quality criteria. Companies such as advanto Consulting, Layer2, LINTRA and Vialutions already introduce their services and offer their tool supplements for sale. Currently the owners of the shops are in talks with other potential partners. Frank Daske, head of product development layer 2 GmbH, sees the benefits of the shop as follows: “our focus is on the development, less in sales. I miss a central app store for SharePoint, as you know it from the iPhone for years. With SharePointPlus this gap is finally closed.” More information about the store, see

  • General 13.04.2019 Comments Off on MICROS-Fidelio Opts INDECA

    The hotel software specialist has commissioned the Heilbronner ISP Heilbronn / Neuss with domain management, 09.07.2010. New customer in the Heilbronn-based Internet service provider INDECA: the renowned companies of the MICROS-Fidelio can be from the Heilbronn experts manage all its Internet addresses in the future. The US-based group, present in Europe through its branch in Neuss, is the world leader in software solutions for hotels, gastronomy and trade. Systems for cruise ships are another specialty. The software already crossed on over 200 ocean liners through the oceans of the world.

    MICROS-Fidelio international with many addresses in the Internet operates according to its products and worldwide markets. INDECA delivers its services with a specialized system structure and overview of the entries that are all over the world logged on to the respective national registration authorities. This service offers a tremendous strategic benefits for the customer: all worldwide communications activities can be of a single clear base plan. INDECA thus relieves its customers with a comprehensive and accurate consolidation: eliminates the previously complex lines of communication to the numerous international bodies who are responsible for the allocation of Internet addresses. Experienced INDECA domain team overcomes it all legal formalities and linguistic barriers, so that MICROS-Fidelio can concentrate on its global markets.

    For the Heilbronn-based company, the new project is a particularly interesting order. “We are very pleased about the confidence of MICROS-Fidelio,” emphasizes INDECA Management Board Member Thomas Schell. “Because in bandwidth markets and target sectors of this group our domain management with over 250 countries can play out their options.” Description of the company about the INDECA GmbH the INDECA GmbH is a technically-oriented Internet service provider that specializes in sophisticated Web applications and digital brand management. A service offering focuses on the management international domain portfolios, as well as in the digital Markenmonitoring. INDECA’s customer portfolio includes companies such as the VW Group, the decoration brand d-c-fix, as well as many medium-sized companies and municipalities. The company, founded in 1991, has its headquarters in Heilbronn and employs about 30 people.

  • General 14.09.2018 Comments Off on ITSM Catalog

    Recommendations and stumbling blocks note from various customer projects the ITSM experts of the matrix know exactly what matters in establishing an IT service catalog: the first commandment is: customer orientation! To make sure that the service catalog, later also by the users is accepted and used must the services necessarily defined from their point of view and closely attuned to their needs”, sumeet Bhatia, senior White ITSM consultant at the matrix. Basic services are not shown as server or network services, which although ultimately underlie the end user services, but not directly be requested of them, the business service catalog. Summing up services, anyway only be shared by users, already the best in the IT service catalog of to so-called service bundles.” All services to describe uniformly and as easy as possible is important to according to Bhatia also, communication and understanding problems between IT and departments avoid. To keep the service catalog constantly, is also essential to ensure that the service descriptions in the event of service changes can be adapted easily with. Also the pitfalls that can occur in the development of an IT service catalog, knows the ITSM expert from personal experience: If the success of IT service catalog projects despite a high time and resource, so the various reasons may have lack project management, inadequate standardization and also difficulties in the coordination of various internal and external service providers. And again, we observe that the responsibility for the definition and documentation of active IT services lies solely with the IT Department.

    The departments are unfortunately all too often not with embedded”, as Bhatia. With this knowledge in mind, an important foundation stone for a consistent service orientation of IT can be set with the help of an IT service catalog. The service catalog provides the necessary transparency on the provided IT services and Responsibilities, which is necessary in order to make the services efficiently and to optimize the cost control.

  • General 25.08.2016 Comments Off on Assentis Releases New Version Of Output Management Solution DocFamily

    Users benefit from simplified handling improved quality assurance, and formatting options advanced users benefit from simplified handling, improved quality assurance and advanced formatting capabilities Red Cross October 29, 2009. With the now available version DocFamily 4.5 optimises the processes around the text creation Assentis and simplifies the handling of the software and their processes. The output management solution allows you to create individual documents and letters within a very short time, to create and distribute. In the new version, Assentis also improves quality. Is as of now the so-called four eyes principle”in the workflow implemented. This is to prevent errors in the documents to infiltrate. The workflow stipulates that every revised document must be checked by a second person.

    This controlled the writing as well as the rules required, and then releases it. Also the formatting options of the text editor DocWrite were significantly expanded. Tables can be made now more individual and more quickly. DocWrite also includes two new graphical editors, which letters, contracts and deals to rapidly create and customize allow. The user creates the rules required now drag & drop. Eliot Lauer oftentimes addresses this issue. So he selects appropriate text modules for specific target groups within a very short time and is made to individual customer letter. Special benefit for German-speaking users: online help is now also available in German.

    In particular the new condition Editor”and the expression editor” provide a simplistic text composition. This staff establishes rules, to associate certain blocks of text, graphics, or other objects to the various target groups. So, it assigns a text module with an investment recommendation, for example, a bank customer who already has a current account. The recipient of writing only about a savings account, has a checking account, we recommend it. These rules can immediately by Drag & drop are created using a graphical editor. So far, some programming skills in a so-called query language were necessary here as in the rest with other output management systems. With the new editor, they are no longer needed and also complex rules can be up within a short time. Customized and personalized letters are posted within a few minutes. Also the formatting options in the text editor DocWrite were significantly expanded and improved. In particular, tables can be now more individual. An additional benefit of text editing: in the text editor line wrapping for long words can be suppressed now also. So far, this was possible only through the templates. What’s new in version 4.5 bring considerable relief to users. The new rule editor massively simplifies the handling and the user need immediately-no knowledge of a query language”, explains Ralph Walter, head of product management at Assentis Technologies AG. So can letters, Contracts and offers are even faster to create individualized and personalized.” Assentis Technologies AG: Assentis Technologies AG is a software house and innovative partner for the optimization of communication with documents. It opened its customers new ways to collaborate with customers, partners and suppliers. With its proven software solutions, the complexity of business communication is efficiently managed and maintained a high degree of individuality for the users. Assentis is represented by affiliates or branch offices in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Canada and the United States. The company counts among its customers as well as the leading supplier in the field of telecommunications, insurance, trade and production well-known big banks in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the United States. Contact address: Assentis Technologies AG Blegistrasse 1 6343 Rotkreuz, Tel.: 0041 / 41 / 790 91 92 fax: 0041 / 41 / 790 91 93 E-mail: Internet:

  • General 24.04.2015 Comments Off on Free Web Hosting By ZebNet For Clubs And Organizations

    zebNet offers immediate free Web hosting packages for associations and non-profit organizations. immediately free Web hosting packages offers zebNet, an established provider of Internet and IT services for associations and non-profit organizations which do not pursue profit aims. With a constantly accessible Internet presence, all activities can be presented of associations and organizations of public and stimulate so among them for donations and active action. Jo Mackness understood the implications. Also the communication by E-Mail is possible with an own Web hosting package. Clubs and organizations that help other people but also animals receive a professional and high-performance Web hosting package for free use within the Association and the Organization free of charge at the disposal of zebNet off immediately.

    After consultation, zebNet provides also several free Web hosting packages for use within the Association and the organization. The Web hosting packages by zebNet be deployed permanently free and are not Attendance of the respective Internet page bound. Other providers often require a minimum number of monthly visitors, allowing for the respective Club or the respective organization but an unnecessary stress factor is caused, would like to avoid the zebNet as a result, required no minimum number of monthly visitors. Additional information at TCOYD supports this article. zebNet expected to return only the insertion of a picture with the dimensions 111 x 66 pixels on the respective Internet page. ZebNet the provided free Web hosting packages are regular Web hosting packages which are not artificially restricted. So you can e.g.

    Internet applications such as Joomla! be installed. The free Web hosting packages by zebNet for clubs and organizations can be customized for the respective Club or created for the organisation, so that always, all needs are covered. The basic functions of the Web hosting packages include include enough space, full PHP4 or PHP 5 support, POP3, or IMAP4 E-Mail Mailboxes, enough MySQL databases and much more. Because zebNet currently has three different datacenters, zebNet provides sufficient capacity for providing free Web hosting packages for clubs and organizations. zebNet would like to support this offering quickly and unbureaucratically all eligible clubs and organizations and therefore appreciates as much as possible candidates. The offer for free Web hosting packages by zebNet is not limited and is permanently. If you are interested can be contacted under to zebNet. Haider Jehanzeb CEO, zebNet Ltd


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