• General 23.12.2018 Comments Off on Stavanger Fish

    Norway – the land of fjords and mountains, trolls and Norse legends, midnight sun and the sparkling lights of the North – combined with one of the most exciting places in the world for any type of fishing. Gain insight and clarity with Boy Scouts of America. Norway is today the most popular and affordable place for the organization of several kinds of fishing within a fishing tour. 21 000 km of coastal waters of Norway provide better habitat for more than 200 species of fish and shellfish. The most famous of fish: cod halibut, sea bass, mackerel, haddock, pollock and catfish. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger understood the implications. 323 802 km of land, of which 96% of mountains, forests and swamps, Norway offers a wide variety of lake and river fish (trout, salmon, etc.) in more than 25 000 km Rivers and Lakes 200 000 across the country. 21,000 km of coastal waters of Norway provide some of the best deep-sea fisheries in the world. When asked where in Norway the most popular fishing grounds? Simple answer – anywhere, along poberezhya.Traditsionno the best fishing sites on the West Coast of Stavanger and all the way to the North Cape and beyond, although anglers who go fishing along the southern coast of Sweden would not agree with that. The truth is simple: in every place where you want to try! In most parts of Norway you will find a well-equipped chalets, guest houses and hotels that offer deep-sea fishing in cooperation with the local ship owners. As a rule, you be able to rent equipment and gear on board.

  • General 18.09.2018 Comments Off on Catching A Spinning Asp

    Most often found in small chub rivers, places, backed by dams, but it is best to choose the upper parts of the mini-reservoirs, where over prosmatrivaetsya.Zdes "battle" asp may be entirely absent, but the catch it is possible to lure even the very small rivers ispravno.V asp middle band is not much, but in the ducts and Erik southern rivers it is more common and not so fussy. In the ducts of the chub kept along the coast near the border stones, Unlike the small rivers of the central belt, where it often is in the middle. To medium-sized rivers are often caught in the transition crank flow into the pit, on the expansion of the channel. Usually, such transitions can be observed in dams or seasonal temporary pontoon structures. Wobblers is necessary to send abroad currents and output to the pit. After exiting the pit wobbler tighten evenly. When fishing from the shore circuit wobbler throw forward on the course and Asp tighten evenly, of course, using the techniques of fishing from the shelter to a single asp and fishing with a splash, especially in the morning and evening. Fishing lure on the small and medium-sized rivers differs from dorozheniya crank on big rivers better serving its specific parking areas in asp (especially in the steep banks with overhanging trees, etc.) and a longer time catching places. At such places, not knowing when the reservoir angler simply does most distant cast (including masking), about a 90 and lead to long benches lure sailing toward the shore, and at the end of the wiring slowly tightens it with stops, giving the illusion of a weakened fish, recovering from a river.

  • General 23.03.2016 Comments Off on Staged Photography

    Staged photography is one of the most unusual genres professonalnoy photos, suggesting the presence of the plot, one can even tell a coherent story, accurate transmission of the character and emotions. This kind of photography is often bought for outdoor advertising firms, or the pages of publications. Usually the heroes of the story are the models or actors that focus attention on a particular product or service. On their face may to express surprise, pleasure or interest. Recently, however, staged photography became interesting people who are not interested in that then use it as an element of advertising campaign. Times when the bride and groom were photographed "at attention" or in the classic pose, "the groom behind the seated bride 'are long gone. Albums modern newlyweds now adorn the photos for which You can trace a whole series of consecutive events. Staged photography reminiscent of commercials, that is a short 'film' based on the script, the plot, but unlike the video clip 'staging' in the photos are not transmits the motion, but reflects only a few 'colorful' moments.

    Depending on the purpose of staging, you can take photographs in which the goods or services – clothing, appliances, furniture, legal services – will be presented in 'Games' form. In other words played out 'scene' in which the goods or services will be involved just as it is used and applied in real life. Staged photography can be accomplished with the participation of how ordinary people and actors, models, pop stars. In advertising, as in the movie is often used artistic techniques – based on the fiction that goes beyond everyday life. That is what will be on the advertising photographs, determined visionary professionals involved in creativity. Such photography – a fascinating process in which participation will bring you much pleasure.

    Our professional photographers have experience to assist you if needed in the formulation of the plot. If necessary, they can give good advice on how to build a scenario and select the appropriate angles. However, in staged photography does not necessarily have to attend two or more persons. Such a survey can be arranged for one person, and it will be no less interesting and colorful. Staged photography in this case involves a lot of scenery or intricacy of the image of the protagonist. In staged photography Every detail is important. Sketch of this picture, we could explore and discuss in advance or improvise on the spot. In any If you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much artistry and hidden talents hidden in you, your family and friends. Still photos can be roughly divided into photography composition without the participation of people (models) or participation. Taking pictures is also easy (shooting one or more subjects), or complex, and its complexity involves the participation of several objects or models and the development of individual creative ideas. Unusual effect can be created by special lighting or computer processing. Our professional photographers have enough experience and imagination to give you plenty of memorable moments as in the photo shoot, and after it.

  • General 22.12.2011 Comments Off on Studio Light And Its Synchronization

    On the market today, there are two kinds of sources of studio light – this pulse and constant light. Sources of constant light – is often powerful halogen lamps that are very hot and emit a large number of warm during use. They are used in photography are rare, more in the filming, but if your “weapons” without a camera “shoe” or sinhrokontakta, then the only way out of studio photography – it is constant light. To use a constant light you need to be heat-resistant soft box or umbrella. Yet another negative DC light – is the need to turn it off at least once per hour. Pulse flash lamps (one-piece) – is a light source, consisting of two lamps.

    The first – a pilot light, which helps the photographer to determine the presence of shadows, and manage its capacity is about 50-300 W. The second lamp – is itself pulse source, which illuminates the studio photography. Power of the tube is directly proportional to its price. Power pulsed studio flashes indicate in Joules (J), for example: 150 J, 300 J, 500 J, 1000 J. The name usually indicate maximum flash power, but it has a power control (smooth or step). When choosing a studio light an important point – sync pulse with the camera. Ie studio flash lamps and shutter camera must occur simultaneously.

    Svetosinhronizatsiyu sinhrokontakty can implement that will connect the camera and the flash sync cable, infrared sensor or a radio channel. Sync usually comes with a studio flash. Cable connects to the flash and the camera (or adapter). Others flash trigger from vpyshki already connected lamp. IR sihrokontakt attached to the “shoe” camera, and a special sensor detects outbreaks infrared radiation from the contact, which synchronizes the flash. In addition to these methods of synchronization using the same timing of pre-flash from the camera. Ie outbreak of camera “ignites” the other flash in the studio. Radiosinhronizatsiya – synchronization over the air. This is usually set the receiver and transmitter.


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