• General 18.10.2017 Comments Off on Bachelor Thesis

    Paid correction safe or not? If you approach writing your thesis, you are wondering whether a proof-reading by a professional lecturer is legal beziehungswese whether it is compliant with the Act. This is easy to answer: Yes, this is it. A study in Germany for various reasons many people whose first language is not German is. And since the theses, Bachelor’s or master’s theses on German (exception: international courses, whose theses are written in English but here, the same considerations apply) must be submitted, for the mentioned group of persons in any case makes sense or strongly recommended it, you even proofread the Bachelor thesis can be. At schools with a high proportion of foreigners, the professors decidedly to advise to take a proofreading service. Is a clear proof ever that a proof-reading of your Bachelorarbei t is legal and this applies of course also for German students. What does a professional editing for student theses? The basic idea of the editorial is not the writing of the work by the lecturer.

    Of course, you; write the work Represent the content and confirm independent writing with your signature at the end. Editing is so something like the “finishing touches” any modification of the content, but a gentle raising of the text, if necessary, on a scientific level. Orthography also and grammar observed, because now once even careless mistakes happen. In addition the editor checks your work on coherence and logic and advises perhaps to delete something redundant or to create a new link from text passages. In addition, contact almost always “How is that meant?” Questions on, because it is usually expressing thoughts that an outsider cannot easily sympathize. All of these editing actions represent only improvements, and it is therefore legally and alike useful if you double-check your work. If the editor or the editor so makes no substantive changes, you can give your Bachelor thesis confidently into the hands of a professional editorial.

  • General 27.07.2016 Comments Off on WSFB Advisory Group

    Organization development: WSFB Advisory Group launches 2008 three in-service trainings for managers and organizational consultant. The work structures and relationships within the company are increasingly complex. According to many factors to consider when planning and design processes of change organization developer. Therefore, they require more expertise and a broader repertoire of method as it was a few years ago today. This affects also the demand after training for internal and external organization developer and consultant.

    “That feels the WSFB Advisory Group, Wiesbaden, therefore she will begin in this year of three fashion consultants training titled organizational change processes”. The in-service trainings take 18 months and contact according to WSFB – managing director Hans-Werner Bormann on all persons who plan in company change processes, initiate, control and make”no matter whether it is them managers, project managers or consultants. Them will be in the Training provides the expertise, complex change processes on a personal and organizational level to achieve the objectives in terms of scheduling, budget and quality”. The next training for which there are places available, starting in June and October. Interested can check on information events on March 28 or may 2 in detail about the concept of continuing education. The training courses are modular: they are divided into nine workshops of two days each. In these, the participants deal among other things with the different models of the systemic organizational consulting. Practice, perform system diagnostics, and to establish consulting architectures.

    You learn new tools for systemic counselling intervention and test their application based on real-world projects from the daily work of the participants. Between the workshops, the participants include intervention documentation and case descriptions create. The experience gained in the projects are in special Reflects supervision modules. The workshops start usually Thursday evening and ending Saturday afternoon. The venue is Wiesbaden. The training will cost 7 600 euro (plus VAT). Discount early bookers. For more info about the training and information events on 20 March and 2 may get interested in WSFB (Tel: 0611 / 157 66-10, E-Mail:, Internet:). Contact person is Hans-Werner Bormann.

  • General 22.04.2015 Comments Off on Generation Conflicts In Organizations

    Young new supervisor and veteran / experienced staff? There they stood now. The CEO had invited the employees of the production Department for an employee meeting. An agenda item “idea of the new plant manager production”. 25 employees looked forward to full expectations of this event. Thoughts, that would get you hopefully an experienced chief operating engineer. One who can talk the talk and also something of the thing / understands about the craft. Statements made by older and experienced employees are in most cases /-inside, which also are spoken out publicly, when a replacement is about a management position.

    This attitude is not customary also not occupation specific but generally valid and understandable. But what if the expected “Old” a years is “Young”, which only has a few years of experience in the industry? The different Reaktiionen could occur in such a case. By disappointment with astonishment to openness, that to this would have expected. The handling of these reactions is a challenge for young executives. Appreciation of past performance and work, creating mutual trust, establish open and consistent communication, exploring the individual “experience landscapes of every employee to feel, commitments are adhered to each personally to meet, develop respect getting to know the existing values and much more, are the content of management everyday, the importance especially in the first few days / months of transferring leadership should have.

    A challenge that certainly looks like a mountain at first glance, to climb it. Even with existing theoretical knowledge “As”, which was possibly taught in seminars or similar workshops, practice represents any differently. In these cases, it can be useful to a leadership coaching in the initial phase for the young executives. Not only is she / he under the special attention of superiors, but also under a self-created “to prove themselves”. During the start-up phase, also the different situations of everyday life of guide are reflected in addition to defined objectives and ways of looking for “How?” and those detained for more leadership practice. Many companies financed this a “young” executive leadership coaching. In cases in which this type of support is not being taken over, it offered, finding yourself a suitable coach from the region and to its services. After all, it is an investment in the future of their own career. Leadership coaching offers: Ute Eichler individual support and consulting Eintracht str. 76 51375 Leverkusen phone 0214-51552


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