Some gastrointestinal physiological manifestations in detriment of stress. Ulcer: it is the mentioned riot more, when relating with the psychological one, it can be called gastric ulcer or peptic, this gastrointestinal ulcer is an injury that occurs in the mucous membrane that is typical of stomach for the hipersecreo of the gastric juice, that is sufficiently acid, and it causes new injuries or can also reactivate the healed ulcers already. It is a riot that causes pain, and this can vary of a light discomfort or a chronic pain, pain tends if to relate with the digestive cycle, in general before desjejum it is absent and in elapsing of the day if she intensifies, and this pain, frequently is alliviated by the light and antacid food ingestion and can also have its effect intensified for food ingestion very tempered and for the alcohol. Gastrite: it is an inflammation in the stomach, this state has much relation to the specific situations where a constant exposition occurs the aversivas situations what it can become chronicle. This riot can have some symptoms as: indigesto, hiperacidez, eructation, flatulence and nauseas, it can also vary of intensity being able to be weak or to a serious state. In the superficial gastrite chronicle the majority of the people tells to have sensations of epigstrica burning (in the popularone) and it can cause to nauseas and vomits, already the acute gastrite can be considered a direct consequence of the activation of the likeable nervous system, occurs independent reactions to the tension, being able to cause disorganizations of the digestive functions, riot of the acidity-alkalinity balance and interruptions of the peristltico movement and these reactions are a refugee before the definitive tense situations for the individual. Colite: it is the inflammation of clon, and it can present itself of two different forms, one of them is the chronic ulcerosa colite, is a state of clon ulceroso, inflammatory, not specified and persistent, if it resembles the peptic ulcer very, in certain cases can cause hemorrhage or perforation of clon, when in more advanced state, all the mucous covering of clon can be disintegrated being necessary partial removal of clon; already the second form is the colite of the mucosa, it is a less serious state and if it characterizes, for the riot of the motor activity and the secretoras activities of muco of clon.

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