• General 24.07.2015

    It can be as social apartments, and room for 4-6 people in a refugee camp. At the same time are given vouchers food or a small amount of pocket money, allows you to purchase products. We must remember that the amount allocated to refugees is not great. (A valuable related resource: David Bershad). They are usually only enough for basic necessities, ie the size of the subsistence minimum, established in the state. What kind of help from the state can expect a refugee? In addition to cash assistance, an applicant for asylum and refugee get a whole block of social benefits. Below, we give them a characteristic list for Most countries that have signed the 1951 Convention.

    Monetary and social benefits for refugees: free medical care (except for expensive dental and cosmetic surgery); the possibility of Free Language Learning; the possibility of attending free training courses, or career counseling (getting a new profession); the possibility of free or subsidized education pupils and students; a wide range of different target payments: for clothes to season changes, the furniture, the children's clothes and accessories, home appliances, etc. In some countries provided public housing, and there are additional programs and benefits, such as for families with children, etc. Do the refugees the right to work? During the process of being on "the complainant and his family members are usually not allowed to work. They are entitled to attend language courses, and museums. Applicant may involve certain public works in the state. If a refugee status claimant may receive a fixed-term (for a limited period of time) or indefinite leave to remain.

    Posted by millionaire @ 8:12 am for General |

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