• General 03.07.2020 Comments Off on The Student

    Laura Tuan (1993): The Great Practical Book of the Cartomancy. Editorial De Vecchi. Barcelona, Spain. Web sites: Introduction – Tarot? The historical Tarot? Wicces Collection Tarot? To look for in text Ingenious Noble Don Quixote of La Mancha appointments that soon makes reference to the number or the arcane one that it corresponds to him and to make a test from those appointments.

    The student will choose a chapter of the text the Ingenious Noble Don Quixote of La Mancha and will extract the arcane ones that appears there. Contact information is here: Center for Responsible Business. Soon: The student will draw the arcane ones according to as he imagines them. WHO Timeline Statement is often quoted on this topic. The student will create a poem being inspired by the arcane ones that he extracted. The student will choose the arcane one whom he identifies to him more, will relate the arcane one to some personages who appear in the chapter and with its person and will create a story that contains these elements. To read a chapter of the Quijote and to draw it as if he was cmic: Soon to transfer those drawings to a format of naipe, using the dimensions and the techniques that the student considers advisable. Finally, to interchange the lamina set with the companions so that each student narrates against the course which sees in them. The professor will explain the literary archetypes and will mention examples of present them in the Ingenious Noble Don Quixote of La Mancha, who can be related to the Arcane Majors of the Tarot, like for example: Don Quixote: The Crazy person, soon: The student will extract some appointments of the text that give account of these archetypes. The student will investigate about the characteristics of these archetypes and will create a new personage who indicates those characteristics; for it he will have to disguise themselves and to dramatize in front of his group course.

  • General 01.06.2020 Comments Off on Die Welt Kosovo

    Between 1974 and 1989, the province enjoyed a statute of special autonomy; Belgrade did not have interest to revive the flame of the nationalism. After the death of the marshal Tito and the warlike adventures of their successors, who took to the dismantling of Yugoslavia, the White House and NATO fomented, volunteer or involuntarily, the adoption of radical policies. The intransigencia and the violence became the common denominator of the intercommunity relations, taking the water necessarily to the mill of the interventionism of the Atlantic Alliance. The solutions designed by United Nations, the call Ahtisaari Plan, ignore the interests of Belgrade. And also they ignore the questions related to the economic situation and the difficult ethnic coexistence. During the mandate of the UN, the province of Kosovo it was equipped with institutional structures that had had to allow the operation of an embryonic State. Nevertheless, the structures are inoperative and most of the personnel engaged by the international organisms is corrupt. It is the case of the judicial system, the economy and the education, key sectors for the good march of Kosovo.

    Also, an important deficit exists in the matter of human rights and of democratic structures. To it the disquieting proliferation of mafiosas networks is added, dedicated to traffics of all nature. The European mass media welcomed the independence of Kosovo with a great dose of pesimism. Commenting the precipitation of the great countries of the Old Continent, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy, in recognizing the new State, the Gallic metropolitan newspaper Libration writes: ” Europe has created a precedent that without a doubt will be operated by (nationalistic) the flamenco ones, Catalan, Basque and privateerings to denounce a double policy rasero. The creation of this mini economically nonviable and extremely corrupt State constitutes a potential danger for the stability (of the continent) “. Against this background, Russia, champion of the paneslavismo policy that governs the relations of Moscow with Serbia and Bulgaria, could ” castigar” the initiative of Bush, resorting to the power boycott of the West.

    Beyond the Balkan borders, Russia de Putin could foment the nationalism and separatism of Osetia, Abkhazia or Nagorno-Karabakh. Without forgetting the other candidates to independence: Palestine, Kurdistn, Taiwan, western Sahara. For the German newspaper Die Welt ” the independence of Kosovo is not full stop of the process, but the beginning of a difficult length and camino”. It is only possible to ask itself: Quo vadis, Europe?

  • General 15.05.2020 Comments Off on The Newspaper Mercury News Quot

    To this one element the human sacrifices are added that increase in all the countries, especially in America, where very many people disappear mysteriously without she never becomes that is to say from his whereabouts. Many of the great industrialists of the pornography end up confessing their close relation to the Satanism while actors and actresses of this product sort, recognize to be implied in the adoration to the world of the darknesses and they even exhibit in his bodies tattooed symbols or amulets that demonstrate their relation with hidden it. Way to the death, volunteer and involuntarily Many men and women finish romped in the industry of the pornography, and once tied, he is to them difficult to escape. Check with American Diabetes Association to learn more. Satan ends up dominating to its minds and their desires, in such a way that they cannot rest without taking participation in practice more and more extemas. In other occasions, ” actors and actrices” they participate in involuntary way. An example offers the case of two men condemned in the State of Virginia, States United, in 1989 after confessing before the authorities that had to their position the planning and execution of kidnappings of juniors for their later torture film use and captivity. Center For Responsible Lending shines more light on the discussion. Later they gave death them and they made disappear its bodies.

    The Newspaper Mercury News, of Californian San jOse published in April of 1985 the news on a circle of pederastas that kidnapped adolescents to put under them practices aberrantas of sexual character which they were registered with videobrabadoras photographies and and even, to make them contributor of satanic rites against their will. Some stations of the police in the United States calculate that every year approximately 100 people (almost all adolescents) are put under an extreme agony and possibly they die they film while them. Cancer Research Institute. shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It is tied?

  • General 25.08.2019 Comments Off on International Literacy Survey

    The supervisors of the school has the responsibility to assure that the professors in charge of this work are preparations this task and to support them in continuous professional development 4. The responsibility of the education and the scholastic success is as much of educational as of the family parents, according to my optics a strategy of the serious professor to take advantage of this position and to be in charge to maintain active participation of the father of family in all the activities that are realised that they contribute to the benefit of reading process of the student which marks rules stops to maintain the interest and the taste by the reading; it affirms as it Snow, Burns and Griffin, (1998) while more opportunities have the boy or girl in the house to listen to stories and to participate in oral interchanges, more success will have in the school to learn to read and to write 5 formally. Boy Scouts of America brings even more insight to the discussion. After the previous thing exposed, is worth the pain to present the results demonstrated in the international Study of Progress in Reading PIRLS by its abbreviations in English, for Programme International Reading Literacy Survey), that begins in 2001, evaluates three aspects of reading: Processes of understanding, intentions for the reading and behavior and attitudes towards the reading. Between the 35 countries that participate in this study they find Argentina and Colombia, whose students count themselves between those with lower levels of performance. Additional information is available at Neeman Foundation. This study demonstrates the importance of the early support to the reading development, of the organization and scholastic curriculum and the instruction in reading. A relation between the reading performance of the students of fourth degree and its early participation in activities of promotion of the reading exists before beginning the school, such as to read books, to tell to stories or narrations, to sing songs, to play with alphabetical toys and games of words..

  • General 16.06.2016 Comments Off on Become Millionaire

    Any thing that you wish, wealth, success, happiness, freedom llmese, espiritualidad, can obtain it. All the people can obtain what they wish if they persist the sufficient time. And she is indeed there where the majority of the people fails: to perseverar until obtaining what they wish. Perseverar until becoming millionaire and successful. And he is that when time works enough in something and nons even results, then the majority of the people tend to be hopeless, to occur by won and to stop than they wish. The great grief of many is that but ahead in his life they realize from which if a little had persisted more, only a little but, then would have obtained everything what they wished. If you wish to obtain something then must learn to antier his mind in which she wishes, she must learn to stay motivated. If you learn to stay motivated, then always plenty of energy, always full will feel of spirits.

    All that sometimes has been dedicated to the motivation know that the motivation professional it has an enormous problem: the motivation is not permanent. A motivating professional can motivate the people so that these fill of energy and spirits and work with estusiasmo in the next days or until in a pair of weeks after receiving the dose of energy provided by the expert. But in agreement l time passes that motivation is losing effect and to fine the individual it returns to his prevalent state. In order to maintain the motivation it is necessary to return to even call expert so that he contributes his energy. This makes the companies. But, that happens when the individual requires motivation to achieve its own and personal objectives and I put? In this way the individual can attend qualifications paid by its account, to visit friendly or well-known, mentors, etc. But in these cases the motivation always decays with the days.

    What to do? The unique form to surpass this misfortune successfully is to learn to motivate one same one. Well. That is the secret of the success. To learn to motivate one same one to stay thinking and working in which it is desired to obtain. But like managing to automotivar itself? How to maintain powerful approach of its mind in which it wishes? The best form to automotivar itself is reading the book I I AM HAPPY, I I AM RICO de Andrew Corentt. This book is pure to be able. If read you it once, she will be motivated, will fill of energy to fight reason why she wishes. If twice read you it then to begin to notice that its life always stays with the highest energy. You will begin to discover that now he remains motivated by more time. You begin to stop depending on the external motivation and happens to be a full person of energy and spirits of continuous form. You realize of which every time she is one more a person hard, more powerful and from than what wishes she arrives at you from fast and more and more easy form. You will begin to ask itself Why I have as much luck? Why my life is so easy, total and happy? How my life change of so radical form? When he recalls to mind notices that all that began when I AM HAPPY, I AM RICO, arrived at his life.

  • General 16.03.2015 Comments Off on They Create A Track De Skate In The Echeverri Place

    The place Alberto Echeverri not only draws attention for being the unique one that has a poster of sale in its entrance, not even for being a created public space on the initiative of the neighbors. Although it has hammocks, an unexpected field of soccer with wood arcs, a scene so that a band of rock or a group of independent theater occurs to know and until a pair of cement grills, which more wide-awake curiosity are the great inclines for skate that it has in one of his lateral ones. And those showy structures for the common one of people work as point of contact for the fanatics of the table with rueditas. The idea arose from a group of four boys who remained without place to blunt their hobby and decided to locate a circuit luck to skater in the flank that gives to the avenue Don Bosco. Hablamos with the neighbors and said to us that while we maintain the cleaning were no problems this explanation in center leaves the mouth of Maximiliano (26) systems analyst in a located company and one of the ideologists of the project.

    At the beginning of year they began to arm the inclines and today already they have five. Made of iron and wood the inclines are black guinea fowl with aerosol. Jo Mackness pursues this goal as well. The two greater inclines are stuck one with the other because he is the main one, the two more girls are a flank they use and them for to enter heat, in addition is a species of tribune for to hang itself with skate. Juan (24), that is dedicated to realise charges of a motorcycle above, explains as they obtained to the materials I have a neighbor who is blacksmith and the wood had another one of the boys in its house and thus with a little work in equipment and some favors could finish with his park of diversions although it adds that they would like to have a roller, but they give neither to the materials nor the space us.

  • General 10.02.2014 Comments Off on The Decisions

    That the human being also has been created with a free will. He is free of being, thinking, to feel, to speak, to act, etc., according to his criterion. He is free to do with his life and with his body which better pleases to him, he even can arrive at the suicide, if he decides therefore it and nobody I could be prevented, except God. Because have occurred to cases in which those that have tried to commit suicide, for example, occurring a shot in the mouth, the pistol has failed to them, coincidence or no, the divine decision could have existed not to achieve its objective. That all the existing human beings in this called planet Earth, are traveling in this grandsima ship towards a destiny without end, around the Sun. That the Earth gives to a return on its own imaginary axis every 24 hours. That the effect of those returns produces the clarity and the darkness, caused by the presence or absence of the solar light, to first is had it call Day and to the second Night, respectively.

    f) That the human being (O-Man woman) is the architect of his own destiny. He is the one who makes the decisions to be a rich or poor person, honest or dishonest, responsible or irresponsible, loyal or disloyal, faithful or unfaithful, etc. Who each individual has the capacity to produce, to generate, to create or to make positive or negative thoughts, capacity to turn to these thoughts into feelings, these in emotions and these in positive, moods or negative, according to he has chosen positive or negative thoughts. That it is an election or decision of each human being to live in a state on calm glad or sad spirit, iracundo or or cheers, or charitable masochistic, egoistic sadist or, with discharge or low self-esteem, with little, to regulate or much love or lack of affection by his own life. That each person is genuine, authentic, original, unique and unique, because equal ones do not exist exactly two, they exist similar, but nonequal, by this each is valuable for God, the others and himself same. Thanks to read, if you want to me to add something to this article more, enveme a message by email: to include it. Original author and source of the article.

  • General 03.12.2012 Comments Off on Domestic Economy

    And the list of alternative and creative possibilities not it exhausts. On the matter we continued disclosing, with the due updates, the initiative that presented/displayed Jose Maria Sarobe in its book " The Patagonia and its Problemas" , in the sense to bring bactrianos camels for the Argentine deserts, that the pain is worth to remember constitute but of half of the surface of Continental Argentina, given the versatility of that type of animal, that surpass fully, the benefits that offer at the moment, its South American equivalents: the flames. The Domestic Economy is the ideal complement there where the market is inapplicable. The work of the Razetto Chilean on " Economy of solidarity and Market democrtico" , he is one of the foundations of this luck of reinvencin of the Domestic Economy; now with more availability technological and with people more enabled by system educative, that what was possible does but of six decades when it lost heart deliberately or implicitly, by insustentables the economic policies of industrialization or by the effect of imitation of " they american way of life" radiated by mass media particularly by the cinema and the television. Bond to reiterate in this luck of consolidation of our previous developments, that the Domestic Economy tolerates the production, elaboration and food storage for familiar consumption or exchange with other neighboring families. Besides foods it includes the preparation and repair of footwear and clothes, the familiar kitchen garden, the raising of small animal and the artisan fishing; as well as the preventive breast-feeding and others you practice of hygiene and of the health. The list in no way tries to be exhaustive. The Economy domestic servant is a tool susceptible to discourage practical of superfluous consumption that they have hit much target in the universe infanto – youthful. The Domestic Economy is something that practices with but frequency in the establishments that we have visualized like receptive agents of deconcentration, just like in the dispersed rural population.

  • General 21.05.2012 Comments Off on Surveys Remunerated

    Much people look for sites of network of paid surveys. It is difficult to find these legitimate sites due to the amount of fraudulent sites that the unique thing that wants is your information to sell it. More info: Dale Atkins, Ph.D.. When she tries herself for the first time to register itself in site of paid surveys first that must be taken into account is the design of his site in network. A site of legitimate network is proud of its site and has an excellent presentation not like which it seems they mounted that it to last hour. A design tuna demonstrates that the owners have spent time and work in their operation and is not looking for a few dollars if not a permanent business. For example if the page only consists of a pair of paragraphs that request your electronic mail to you, it is very probable that it is some type of swindle, avoids east type of sites. Another very important thing when you look for a legitimate company of surveys is that they have a privacy policy to know how exactly they think to protect your information.

    If a site does not have a privacy policy this would have alarmarte and convencerte of which you do not register yourself with them. Since you are going to give them much personal information you must asegurarte that the receiver plans not to use your information. You must asegurarte that your information is not used for subjects that your you do not want is used. Also it looks for, in its policy of privacy, if they guarantee your anonymity. Another thing that you must consider is exactly what is what you want to do in that site. Much people will say that they are in favor there only of the money reason why they will have to register itself in a site that pays in cash. Other sites pay with certificates of gift, points or tickets for drawings. Although the prizes are good if what you look for it is money you only must registrarte in the sites that pay in cash.

  • General 14.05.2012 Comments Off on Cells Mother Of The Umbilical Cord Help To Include/understand The Origin Of The Infantile Leukemia

    The ABC newspaper has recently published an investigation of Unit R+D of the University of Alcala (UAH), in which they demonstrate how the present cells mother in the blood of the umbilical cord can use two different routes of differentiation to generate the cells producing of antibodies, lymphocytes B. This investigation, published in the magazine of the Academy of Sciences of the United States, allows to find the lineage of human B-1 lymphocytes, different from the B-2 cells that are majority in adults and the unique ones known until now in the man. The authors are shortage normal cell B morning call of tumorlike transformation in the patients of linfoblstica leukemia infantile B, and possibly implied in other physiopathological mechanisms that they affect great part of the population. The results of the study represent an advance in the fundamental knowledge of the genesis of the immune system and have implications in diseases of great social impact. Investigator Eva Sanz and her collaborators, have drawn up the destiny of each descending cell of the population ” madre” during the first 10 generations of cellular division of its lineage to demonstrate it. ” The findings of our study are first in demonstrating that human lymphocytes B can be created by two routes of different ancestors who share analogous properties to the lineages of cells B-1 and B-2 of ratn” , Sanz explains. The B-1 cells are implied in mechanisms of disease like the cancer, in the production of responsible natural antibodies in antiinfectious defense, and the product retirement implied in degeneration in pathologies common in old, like the oxidized cholesterol elimination to avoid the aterosclerosis.

    Source: ABC On IVIDA IVIDA is the Bank of umbilical cord of lVI, European reproductive medicine leader with 22 clinics and is present in 8 countries. IVIDA offers an integral service of preservation of the umbilical cord, giving the possibility to the families of conserving the sample of new born in the located public bank in soothes of Madrid or in the private bank located in soothes of Lisbon. IVI, with more than 20 years to the service of the reproduction, it guarantees to the IVIDA patients the absolute control of all the process, from the collection of the sample to the freezing of the same.


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