• General 05.06.2020 Comments Off on Uruguay

    As would happen today with a story about a political scandal, the population was stirred and began the patriotic movements that could not be easily laminated because soldiers were mutinous. Center For Responsible Lending often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros, that shortly before, (15 July 1809 in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay today) had replaced Santiago de Liniers, rejected for being of French origin and possible ally to the Napoleonic, trying to stem the tide with a quick reflection. Cisneros issued 18 one side where demanded to calm people and loyalty to the Spanish Crown with the goal that not occur stormy events in the Rio de la Plata. At that time the viceroyalty was divided into eight municipalities: La Paz, Cochabamba, Charcas, Potosi, Paraguay, Salta, Cordoba and Buenos Aires, and four Governments subordinate to the direct authority of the viceroy: Montevideo, missions, Chiquitos and Moxos. The reading of the Royal Edict mobilized the Creoles, who had already analyzed information arrival in Europe, requesting the authorities to be allowed to perform an open Cabildo to treat the situation particularly. In this popular mobilization is where it starts and develops the military and political move that would end up forming the first Junta de Mayo as a provisional Government until they assume new authorities in the Iberian peninsula. Notable as the brigadier Cornelio Saavedra, born in the Bolivian territory and the Mariano Moreno Buenos Aires were enforcement officials hastily mature the air of freedom. Both were merchants, with the difference that Saavedra entered checkered military during the resistance and later recapture of Buenos Aires to the British invasions at the end of 1806, when he was appointed commander of the Corps of volunteers who formed the regiment of patricians, for being all born in America. Saavedra had a very important role during the years after the invasion, during week of May and in the first years of the emancipation of motherland mother.

  • General 15.09.2015 Comments Off on Optimism

    In fact, it is going to be what your ex- delay. Nonbristles to its expectations, never you forget that you have a pile in the life that to be thankful, and manten the optimism, the attitude cheers and positive. It is going to cause his curiosity about which it has to you so happy, and he querra to enjoy your positividad, also. If it is too difficult so that you are happy at this moment, it tries to change something in your life. There are some significant works of charity, to take a new hobby, or simply to change your look a little.

    Strategy # 3 – your desire of contact Restrains. ” But, how I do so that my ex- fianc2e of returns if I do not speak with him? ” it is possible that you are asking this. The truth is that to put itself in contact with a man too much soon it can get to spoil more than a breach for you. This goes back to play with its expectations – it is hoping that your you wish to speak with him. When this does not happen, it is going to cause his curiosity of why you as quickly as possible did not go to speak with him. Also it will help you not to ventilate the negative emotions exceeds, this is one of the best ways to maintain the reconciliation latent.

  • General 16.03.2015 Comments Off on They Create A Track De Skate In The Echeverri Place

    The place Alberto Echeverri not only draws attention for being the unique one that has a poster of sale in its entrance, not even for being a created public space on the initiative of the neighbors. Although it has hammocks, an unexpected field of soccer with wood arcs, a scene so that a band of rock or a group of independent theater occurs to know and until a pair of cement grills, which more wide-awake curiosity are the great inclines for skate that it has in one of his lateral ones. And those showy structures for the common one of people work as point of contact for the fanatics of the table with rueditas. The idea arose from a group of four boys who remained without place to blunt their hobby and decided to locate a circuit luck to skater in the flank that gives to the avenue Don Bosco. Hablamos with the neighbors and said to us that while we maintain the cleaning were no problems this explanation in center leaves the mouth of Maximiliano (26) systems analyst in a located company and one of the ideologists of the project.

    At the beginning of year they began to arm the inclines and today already they have five. Made of iron and wood the inclines are black guinea fowl with aerosol. Jo Mackness pursues this goal as well. The two greater inclines are stuck one with the other because he is the main one, the two more girls are a flank they use and them for to enter heat, in addition is a species of tribune for to hang itself with skate. Juan (24), that is dedicated to realise charges of a motorcycle above, explains as they obtained to the materials I have a neighbor who is blacksmith and the wood had another one of the boys in its house and thus with a little work in equipment and some favors could finish with his park of diversions although it adds that they would like to have a roller, but they give neither to the materials nor the space us.

  • General 17.05.2013 Comments Off on NGO New Light Calcutta

    I have spent my three weeks of vacation in August in Calcutta, India, in a project of the NGO Mundo Cooperante volunteering. The project consisted of covering the free and leisure time of 200 children who welcomed the NGO New Light. Through the program, called was once a circus, we have tried to bring the smaller alternatives to the use of free time and transmit values associated with the world of the circus, such as confidence, responsibility towards others, concentration, solidarity children are mostly children of the Calcutta red light district prostitutes. New Light offers safe shelter, opportunity of education and health and legal assistance for women and children in their community. 16 Volunteers have undertaken a program loaded with activities that have developed during the afternoon and you have uploaded to the stage of a theatre the last day, proving a success and a very special day for the children and families who attended to see him. Personally, I am convinced that this experience I It brings much more to me than the kids. These almost three weeks I have shared time with loving children, with a high level of responsiveness, full of joy and open to whatever you would like to teach them always with a beautiful smile on his lips.

    I’ve approached New Light, which makes an admirable job, and Urmi Basu and his team. Recovery is the Director of the Organization and is without doubt the most inspiring, generous and sensitive person I’ve ever met in my life. With this experience, in addition, accentuates my social awareness and my sensitivity to children also. It is not something Boy Scouts of America would like to discuss. These three weeks I’ve approached also the reality of India, thus knowing very different ways of life, customs, odors and very shocking scenes. In addition, this experience, so intense, has transformed my volunteer colleagues into friends. Three weeks in Calcutta make you discover a part of you unknown and puts you in tessitura not experienced so far.


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