• General 19.05.2015

    And that makes the difference between success and failure in life.” L. Ron Hubbard’s learning methodology was originally developed to train chaplains Scientology. The three barriers to learning the he discovered, apply equally for all students, no matter what subject they are trying to learn. Convinced that the honorary-spiritual program is the solution for West Africa, the Freemans joined clergy the goodwill tour of honorary Scientology in 2007, which started just their trip through the region. Goodwill tours of the Scientology Volunteer clergy bring simple but effective methods for improving the living conditions in countries in which Scientology is new, as well as in remote areas such as the Australian outback, the region in the Amazon basin and West Africa. At each location, Scientology Volunteer they train clergy and set up groups that continue their relief activities in the municipality, if the Group of Scientologists is dragged further. The bright yellow 315-square-meter tent includes lecture and instruction rooms.

    It is therefore on any tour in towns and villages as the headquarters. Bright Freeman is responsible for the goodwill tour team of Volunteer Ministers in West Africa and changes to with his wife in the direction of courses and seminars from. Of the 19 subjects who treat these courses and seminars, from the basics of the Organization to resolving conflicts, the methodology of learning is one of the most popular and also patience she is closest to the heart. The Freemans attended with their large tent parts in West Africa, in which Scientology is still not widespread. In the past four years they have assisted Mali and Ghana in Gabon, Cameroon, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, and founded volunteer-spiritual groups. Before Scientology I could have never done that”, expressed patience. One of the first things that can be bought in Scientology, is the ability to communicate. The work on this tour is very demanding.

    Often I don’t even speak the language of the people of that I’m helping. I can come to me but always somehow understand.” Patience loves their work and the tours are the best experiences so far in their lives. Patience is what positive impact have the Scientology methods on people. She says: I know that I’m helping Ghana and throughout Africa and am very proud to be a Scientologist.” More information: press service of SK Bayern e.V. contact: Uta Eilzer, be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munchen, TEL. 089-38607-0, FAX. 089-38607-109 E-mail: WEB:

    Posted by millionaire @ 4:22 pm for General |

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