Do good and conquer the world in the number of volunteers is increasing rapidly all over the world. The volunteers are involved in the social, environmental or cultural. Countries are especially emerging and developing countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Will all contribute to the steady improvement of the living conditions of the people and the infrastructure on the ground. While working in non-profit projects for some weeks or months, you can experience foreign cultures, breathtaking nature and the hospitality of other peoples from the beaten path.
In addition to the work, but still enough time remains to explore the host country. There are also some volunteers working to keep in mind. Basically is not volunteer programs abroad to an internship. Although it is closely tied up in the team of local staff, there will be never as good as a fixed operational plan and scheduled on-site consultations during the stay. Project rankings and also the accommodation are often in particularly poor regions or districts in the country. Safety and health conditions and infrastructure are not comparable to those in Germany.
A great deal of adaptability, flexibility, responsibility, and independence is therefore essential. It is a service to the society and the people of the host country. Volunteers should take a job in the country, because thus it would only aggravate joblessness on-site. As a volunteer is an additional aid from abroad and receives no money. Volunteers collect impressions and experiences in strange and sometimes very poor countries and make himself useful with volunteer work in the host country and help local projects. Since the individualism in the foreground, both sides benefit. As a volunteer, you can engage in various countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia in the areas of social, education/culture, health/medicine. For animal – and nature enthusiasts, there are also numerous Assistance in Africa, Canada and United States for the welfare and protection of nature and environment. You can determine the time of stay if you would like to travel alone. For groups, there are corresponding dates for individual offers of voluntary organisations. Usually, you must remain in the country for up to a year. Learn more about volunteering abroad: operates freiwilligenarbeit.html and the educational portal marketed the info portal for educational stays abroad. are many knowledgeable and in compact form, with useful information and helpful tips. Will helped the visitors, make good decisions when planning his own education or training. As a service, some hand-picked educational providers with different capacities are recommended. At the same time, the available current support programmes are listed to all foreign programs. Contact: Theodor Friedrich way 4 01279 Dresden contact person: Horst beef FON: 0351-2543405 mobile: 01577 1720859 email: Internet: