• General 23.07.2019

    Think it’s broke children’s game of the year is it is not difficult to move children to play. To inspire you, for one thing can, however, pose a problem. Good board games with a high replay value are particularly in demand. For children, games should be easy to understand and always exciting. “The online Department store shopping.de is this year’s winner of the award children’s game of the year” before. Already for the eleventh time the was awarded Prize for the best children’s game by an expert jury.

    “” “Came into the final selection in addition to the winner because it’s broke” by Zoch-Verlag also the little sorcerer’s apprentices “of three Mage games and Monster trap” by the Kosmos-Verlag. The winner because it’s broke”characterized by a mixture of estimation and dice game. It on a good eye and concentration as well as on the necessary ounce of happiness is. In addition the jury the unusual pitch draws attention to that consists of three layers, so that the worms disappear and can come forth elsewhere again. This gives pleasure to the next generation and provides for a certain thrill.

    But the competition must not hide. A high replay value was certified by the jury of all games. New adventures are waiting for young players, in this way, fun and excitement are guaranteed. Who wants to take his child a joy, can focus on the recommendation list of the jury. The winner game because it’s broke”and the winners of from previous years are available from shopping.de. More information: news.shopping.de/spielzeug/… Shopping.de GmbH Lisa Neumann

    Posted by millionaire @ 6:33 am for General |

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