• General 25.05.2013

    Maybe because you have a small or a large list of subscribers who have voluntarily subscribed to your list, if so congratulations if otherwise I invite you to start creating your list of volunteers supcritores, but also no fences make the mistake of buying any database to create your list, since the list that you need to create is a list of voluntary supcricion. Start creating your list is the first thing you should do if you want to succeed online, you can ask any expert that you know and the same answer you. Email Marketing tip the tip on Email Marketing you want to share in this post is that if you already have a list try to always share high-value content to your subscribers, you must make sure they are happy with the emails that you send them, if those promoting some product can send them emails to your list whenever the product promotions is quality and not a product of poor quality. Do not send emails nothing more by sending emails, it is best to send 1 email with good quality content once a week or the 15 days that five email a week of poor quality. Try to make a combination between a 70 to 80 percent of shipments of quality email and a 20 to 30 porcientos email with promotions and insofar as these are products that will benefit your subscribers. If you want to succeed online you need to have a list that love you want to receive your email, it is preferable to have a list of 1000 people with which has a few excellent relationship and love and wish to receive your email to a huge list with which relationship do not have and do not want to know anything about your email. I say this because in a promotion of a launch a friend of mine that I had a list of 10,000 had almost the same sales as a type I had a list of 100, 000, you were to ask that from the list of 10000 had almost the same sales as the of 100 000? The answer is simple from the list of 10000 simply had a better relationship with your list. Maybe you did notice that no matter the size of the list, what matters is to provide value content to have an excellent relationship with your list. Original author and source of the article

    Posted by millionaire @ 9:08 pm for General |

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