• General 12.02.2017

    … In these days on television and started mass active advertising KIA: KIA! – Ruynivnik stereotipiv "(KIA – destroyer of stereotypes, that is to say, in Russian) It seems that the company is trying to turn the thinking of the domestic consumer's strong belief in a certain (will not say out loud what) opinion with regard to brand KIA. Perhaps, to This has all the prerequisites, as even a cursory glance at the reports sales are made to believe in the increasing popularity of car brand KIA (or comparing the overall trend of increasing car sales in Ukraine include these results to a more convenient, compared to the other, the method of purchase, a good filling of the warehouse, a good model lineup, as well as advanced network service). I do not judge, because I am not expert analysis and evaluation of the automotive market, but as an ordinary citizen no one bothers me to have an opinion on this subject, like millions of our fellow citizens. And this opinion, as I have emphasized in the preceding article with buying "Sorrento" was strongly committed to the innovative style of KIA. (Take the example of degeneration of the old Sportage in the new – it's the easy revolution in a separate automobile concern – from the ugly "Soap" make a "swan song – best seller"). But the fairy tale and euphoria when either end (with BMW, Toyota, Subaru and others, I hope, not so fast J) and all innovations are not backed by a credible, as a result, become zilch, which the consumer evaluate adequately. .

    Posted by millionaire @ 8:33 pm for General |

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