• General 10.04.2020 Comments Off on Near Death Experience

    Death is something that we must not fear because, while we are, death is not, and when death is, we are not.Antonio Machado has been written in abundance about what has been termed experience near to death (ECM), where stories about different experiences in this contact with death for several reasons, which make that experience have been exposed is, and of course, for those who have a new opportunity to continue moving in this dimension of illusory formsperishable, it is significant so that it encloses. Personally, always caught my attention to this issue, but when I shared some years stay in Chile with the Chilean society of Parapsicologiaa which was precisely that of survival, near-death, which allowed me to go into its scope, experience within their sections of study and field of research, what it involves, investigations carried out, and what has been said about this. Since then, expand my knowledge, knowledge with contributions from l Hinduism, Eastern philosophy, i.e., how the spiritual approach explains it. No doubt there are many researchers who have been identified with regard to this topic and have bequeathed us much valuable information of lived experiences by those who have experienced it, and has been published in books that have been very popular due to its content, what you bring us, as in the case of the book Life after Life (life after life) by Raymod Moody, as formarse.com.ar, reminds us is an American psychiatrist, who was driven to study these experiences after listening to the experience of Dr. Hear from experts in the field like CDF for a more varied view. George Ritchie during the war, to whom he dedicated his book. From this, each time more serious researchers have sought explanations for the phenomenon, published various studies in specialized magazines.Life after life quickly became a bestseller, and other doctors and scientists began its own investigation, as the Dr. Kenneth Ring of the University of Connecticut, who was able to meet a large number of reports on this experiences and established the IANSDS (International Association for Near Death Studies) in 1977. .


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