• General 01.04.2019 Comments Off on Yacht Harbour Residence Hohe Dune Greater Sustainability

    Chef de cuisine Tillmann valve relies on regional products and awareness of regional and seasonal products you can feel organic in the Yacht Harbour residence Hohe Dune in all restaurants. The special focus of the star chef Tillmann cock is on the culinary diversity and local products from the Baltic Sea region. Recently, the kitchen offers the Yacht Harbour residence also certified organic products from organic production. Further details can be found at Nieman Lab, an internet resource. In the selection of its suppliers, Tillmann cock attaches great importance to high quality of products but also on personal contacts. So acquainted with and take advantage of many of its regional partners and their production over six years. Old tomato varieties, as they are grown here in the region, are a tasty component of our menus, we create for our guests every day now during the summer months”, so valve.

    To promote the region as well as to the preservation of natural balance, Hahn chooses when selecting his ingredients regional providers who work environmentally. Sustainable thinking is an important and modern building block for a successful catering today to present the guests with permanently high quality and healthy food. A further commitment of the Yacht Harbour residence high dunes to the ecological way of thinking is the organic certification of various products. To give the guests a safety for organic products, trade association eco control e. V. professionally controlled their use. So the guests in the restaurant Brasserie as well as Steak restaurant in the consumption of organic get beef from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.


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