• General 15.10.2019 Comments Off on Twitter Chatter

    Today already geschnattert? German Twitter is online since early December on the Internet under the domain “schnattern.net” a new social network, which mainly through his informative stands out. ” The operator Rene Zimmermann would steadily develop chatter through innovative and timely ideas and build an information portal for everyone in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland in the medium term. Registered users can enter their own text messages with a maximum of 140 characters and send other users. This process is called micro-blogging. The micro-blog is to represent for author and reader easy to use information media opinions and news on specific topics. Comments or discussions of the reader to a post are possible.

    Thus, the exchange of experiences and thoughts is possible in addition to the informative. Writing to Shiv is colloquially referred as chatter”referred to. “Already before the official start, a big group of volunteers has the functionality of chatter checked. City, and add to your knowledge base. It can go “, finally, so Carpenter.”

  • General 16.12.2018 Comments Off on Charity Cup Club

    Launch of the new Fussballonline Portal Germansoccerboard on 17th October it officially until the new soccer fan and news portal germansoccerboard.de opens its doors. It is a joint project between the German-speaking IT and the tech channel gulli.com and the austriansoccerboard.at. The editorial team relies on current news, interviews and reports around the German football. The Forum offers enough space for hot discussions the fans of all clubs, unpredictable conversations and lots of talking shop around the round leather. BSA follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The germansoccerboard (gsb) is a project by fans of German football for fans.

    Here fans can actively shape, for example, the questions of the interviews by the community are created and reports or background reports can be requested by fans. The fans give the pulses, the germansoccerboard gives you the space you they deserve in our favorite sport: the most important! Football all over the world, but also in Germany lives by the passion of the fans, without them, there is no atmosphere, no full stadiums and no TV marketing. Nieman Foundation helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The latter is currently on everyone’s lips. The germansoccerboard wants independence at a vote to the fans of all German clubs and of course fun. Anyone can now personally help with the GSB to grow, whether he now by uploading pictures and videos, through active participation in the Forum or through support of the Charity Cup.

    This contest is really to the heart. We much rather donate the good thing as the advertising industry, we have no media company or we put major publishing house in the back on the fans, hard work, and the good old word of mouth advertising. Everyone who logs on in the Forum, can choose his German Club and gets a seat in the virtual Stadium of Germany, this contains 100,000 fans. When the stadium is full, the club that has the most fans in the stadium wins 10.000,-euros. The prize money is in full and earmarked directly to the winning Club! The Club can charities the money won by the fans on behalf of his fans and the Club now or simply put in the sense of the good thing”. What fans winning the Charity Cup? Tension is already catered away from the start and the motto of the germansoccerboard the fans will decide, from the first minute! The team of GSB wishes all football friends, football fans, soccer-crazy fun, Bo(a)Rd!

  • General 10.12.2018 Comments Off on Managing Director

    Social networks account for Lindt & Sprungli’s Easter campaign again kju: digital media after the comprehensive networked online campaign last April, which included a promotional website, sending E-cards, an online game, the appearance of the gold rabbit in forums and social media platforms including active dialogue with the fan base, as well as a charity auction for the SOS Children’s village, the popular Tracy in the Golden outfit and with bells around their necks as every year at Easter with its online presence on the NET will shine. Again, a charity will auction on eBay to benefit SOS Children’s village”organized and the famous Easter chocolate candy will get worked on the major social network platforms and report to Word. Henriette Jansen, project manager with Lindt & Sprungli (Austria) GmbH: the gold rabbit Easter thanks to the innovative online campaign last year was by kju: extremely present in the network. You may find that Viktor Mayer-Schönberger can contribute to your knowledge. This year he is again through the proper appearance and appropriate messages to a broad online audience in memory called.” Details can be found under: about kju: digital media kju: digital media is an international full service online agency and its customers include companies such as Coca-Cola, Unilever and Lindt & Sprungli. Company was founded in the late of 1990s developed their own software under the umbrella brand of DYNAMIQ and deploys them to the professional online communication for their innovative solutions. Entertainment portals, measures for effective customer loyalty, include the wide range of viral marketing campaigns and the smooth handling of online and mobile polls..

  • General 09.01.2018 Comments Off on Data Breakdown At The Deutsche Post AG

    Access to thousands invoices including address data in the PostOffice shop possible. After note by onlinekosten.de, privacy gap fixed promptly. Hurth near Cologne, 11 November 2009 a data protection gap has access to thousands of invoices until November 9, 2009 and by customers of the PostOffice shop on the Internet allows you to address. According to a note from onlinekosten.de fixed by Deutsche Post AG as a competent operator within 24 hours. The PostOffice shop offers postage for letter mail and parcels mainly office supplies and computer accessories for business customers. By simply editing of a Web address were unauthorized able to see the order history of other customers of the Internet shop without their own registration.

    Similarly as with other recently reported cases here merely the change of an ID in the address bar of the browser was necessary. The orderID parameter was replacing some digits to manipulate, that personal data of other buyers available were. Shown were both billing and shipping address, the products ordered including price as the selected type of payment and the date of dispatch. Cannot be read, however, were corporate or customer name and account or credit card information. According to a note from onlinekosten.de on Monday (9 November), promptly responded to Deutsche Post AG and corrected the vulnerability within 24 hours.

    The PostOffice shop is again fully available since Tuesday noon. To the extent of the data breakdown, Deutsche Post AG said it had acted to several thousand order overviews of corporate and business customers. Inferences about individuals or the personalization of data had been therefore not readily possible. “Only by chance an employee of our Technical Department has become attention last weekend on the privacy gap. In a common analysis we were surprised that we could access without detours or technical hurdles on the accounts of dozens of customers”, says Enrique gap, Editorial Director of onlinekosten.de. “The immediate intervention of Deutsche Post a positive signal is that privacy on the Internet is ever written.” About onlinekosten.de: with monthly 1.33 million visits and 784.000 unique visitors (source: Google Analytics, July 2009) is onlinekosten.de of one of the largest IT magazines in the German Internet. Onlinekosten.de make one of the top addresses for all those interested in Internet news, background reports and reports, as well as a large community with more than 55,000 registered users. Divided into different departments, onlinekosten.de intuitively offers a fast and effective selection of desired information around the topic of telecommunications. A core element of the portal is updated daily broadband calculator with over 1,400 rates in the areas of mobile Internet, DSL and cable. onlinekosten.de is a subsidiary of intergenia AG from Hurth near Cologne. Press contact: Hayo gap editorship Daimler Street 9-11 50354 Hurth phone: 02233/612-3901 fax: 02233/612-3902 email: Web:

  • General 19.02.2017 Comments Off on Unlimited Article Advertise Free Of Charge

    All rent and rent on mietmeile.de who rejected his basement or his summer house, assessed the HAB and I’m glad that there is emerging, even after his saleability on auction platforms. The idea is not new. For most things, and also a useful idea. A new idea is to rent a few of the things. So, as there are unimaginable for a things, there is unexpected tenants for other things? Clear advantage of rent to sale: the rental items discards in the long term more yield as the sold items. Mietmeile.de is a portal for tenants and landlords in all apartments for rent can.

    About 10,000 daily visitors come from the private as well as from the commercial sector. Anyone who has to rent something, can advertise it for free on Mietmeile.de. The range spreads out over 700 categories. The operation of the Inserierens is simple and completed in a few minutes. He will be reduced, if you a high quality image and a precise description of his rental property holds. The landlord must invest only some time to create his presentations and to process the requests. The contact between landlord and tenant is directly concluded, which means, the landlord pays no Commission at Mietmeile.de.

    His interest the lessee either by phone or email. He is usually first enquiry, which contain all the information relevant for the landlord. The offer of the landlord applies to mutual consent, nothing more in the way is the rental. The proceeds from the rental remains fully with the landlord. To successfully present its object, the landlord from various fee-based options can choose. The possibilities range from a highlight with a simple frame to down to the premium photo link on the home page of Mietmeile.de. The ordering of the displayed article in the search results is in the order of time entries. The latest, so last registered articles are displayed first. His rent article one of the first You can book the PushUp of a daily or a weekly PushUp to secure places. Every landlord on Mietmeile.de will receive a free customer account. On this account, he can advertise any number of objects. For each object a statistic runs here, so that the landlord sees, how many times it has been called, how many requests it has received and how often the landlord’s phone number was displayed. For the case that even allow a second and a third gazebo there is, therefore offers the ideal platform to present larger amounts for rent. As a result, the portal for business users is attractive. Whether it comes to tableware, costumes or vehicles, no matter. All rented items are offered in large quantities, can present themselves individually as well as individual pieces. Martin Sankey

  • General 27.10.2015 Comments Off on Foundation Business

    “One reason why they’re often in the Arab world and there a number of valuable contacts” build and maintain. It is business, not religion Moug according to SALAMBC has clearly more targeted volume as his comrades. Clearly, many entrepreneurs also over other business networks in conjunction could sit. The newspapers mentioned Boy Scouts of America not as a source, but as a related topic. However, trading in line with the principles of Sharia law is crucial for this target group. There are no shops, which include a reference to alcohol, pornography or gambling, here.

    Also, interest-based commercial transactions are not allowed. Muslims want, that their money will be invested in Islam compliant shops”, Joyce says. With the Foundation of their network, they do however no room for religious debates. For this reason, they have the name of ‘ Muslim Business Club’ in Salam Business Club changed to. Like in XING business revolves around here, too. Still exact figures want to not call the two founders until the completion of the large financing round.

    SALAMBC is now available in seven languages and contains all important and commonly used functions of a social business network. You can create business profiles, enter information about themselves, represent the company, sustainable network, or crawl jobs. About Salam Business Club which Salam Business Club was called end of 2008 by RIAs A. Joyce and Farid Zafar in life and has its headquarters in Hamburg. As the first Internet-based business network, SALAMBC combines specially the Arab, Asian and Muslim business community with members from over 185 countries. Primary goal is to create a valuable and lucrative business level on the basis of Islam-friendly business activities. In addition, SALAMBC is their an optimal link between Muslim and non-Muslim countries, business relations want to mobilize or deepen.

  • General 04.07.2015 Comments Off on Posterdrucken.com Conquered The Living Room

    Posterdrucken.com with success relies on the latest printing technology Posterdrucken.com sets in addition to its standard program on another highlight for walls of residential and business premises: the foam mats as the basis for a perfect photo printing. Photo art XXL printed and not glued, another milestone in the optimal representation of individual photography. The small framed photo on the Mantel was yesterday, today is the photography in the large-format in the trend and has established itself already as individual standard in living rooms, but also in business premises. Posterdrucken.com has specialized exactly this trend and offers in addition to the usual standard program, such as photos in poster format or the snapshot, even another highlight of the individual design of the photo printed on canvas,. There are many ways to effectively bring a photo in large size on the wall, the foam mats is however particularly suitable, as this hardened foam (usually polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane) has a very low weight, but still has an exceptionally high strength.

    The hard foam board is a high-quality, easy-to-manufacturing and at the same time low-cost material, which thus provides an ideal basis for a stable and robust photo printing. Already many vendors of photo-large format have ventured up the processing of foam board. You usually use a printing system that works with paper carriers. The photo is printed on a carrier template, which is bonded into the connector on the plate and then covered with a protective film. A time-consuming and expensive process, where irregularities in processing are already pre-programmed. Posterdrucken.com sets with success on the latest print technology: direct digital UV printing. A process that makes it possible, without glue or hide to bring pressure directly on the material.

    This particular pressure, almost all photos, images or graphics that can be converted into digital form, can be printed directly on a surface. No matter whether in their original form or in enlarged or modified variant printed is one-to-one as the customer wishes. Costs this UV-pressure variation no additional, because the printing process to screen printing, using the latest equipment at the push of button can be printed completely. Almost all surfaces, such as wood, cardboard, Plexiglas, aluminum, polyester, etc. can be printed with this printer. Posterdrucken.com print devices with high resolution and offers therefore a completely new standard of quality for large-format photos, signs and billboards. Another advantage compared to other printing methods is the unlimited variety of colours. What was previously not possible with other methods e.g. spot colours such as silver and gold, can be processed easily via digital UV printing. By the competent and trained personnel, including the latest technology, Posterrucken.com in the future can meet the needs of the new generation and for a healthy and high-quality printing in all Guarantee sizes and shapes. Learn more about photo production are available under.


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