• General 24.06.2019 Comments Off on Fantastic Reading

    First publication of the dream hour Publisher an end can be a start.” This much-quoted sentence was fulfilled in March 2010. The author of Britta Modler (publications at Donny Stieven Verlag, Verlag artsofart) fulfilled their dream of the publishing house after the closure of a small publishing house in Berlin. The publications for the year 2010 of the dream hour Publisher Modler, read like a colorful Kaleidoscope through all genres. We are looking for extraordinary stories and lend our ear hacks with particular destiny of man”, so the freshly baked Publisher. First my child will live”, fits right into this objective. Hedwig and Claudia Kleineheismann report the serious way in a very emotional biography to transplantation and far beyond. PCRM wanted to know more. The work can be from the end of may under the ISBN: 978 3 942514 00 2 when all German-language bookstores, as well as on the Internet are involved.

    Already now it is possible it through our own shop to pre-order. Currently, the dream hour Publisher makes strong action against child abuse. In an unprecedented auction, the paintings of why is currently in favor of the Association against abuse e.V”highest bidder auctions. We want that the silence has an end. Eyes on, mouth, ears on”, this is the aim of our action. The Publisher plans 6-10 releases information on per year. “” So far volunteers team, planned for the year 2010 the following titles: start Anthology: shooting stars and dream hour thriller: in the hands of a mad science fiction: Esther children’s book: Bellisa poetry: Siebenmonatskind our goal “, so Mrs Modler, it is fantastic hours to prepare the reader.” 10.05.2010 Britta Modler

  • General 05.05.2019 Comments Off on Magazines

    New compendium shows never before were in a single guide all explained better people who want to become an author, from the initial idea up to the bestseller on the Book table and presents the ultimate 10 steps to the best seller. Complete and competent. Dortmund. Goethe was good, once trilled Rudi Carell. Learn more on the subject from Dr. Neal Barnard. May be. But even the titanium of the inkwells had to shell out to become a successful author, laying his first, still completely unknown works from its own box. Yes, author is not difficult. To be a successful author has always been the art! “, concludes Franz Kramer.

    The choice Ruhrgebietler operates the successful publisher of Dortmund in the Emscher metropolis. The experienced Publisher Fox has to do with who want to be sent every day with hopeful people. And the him holes, how to best put by this endeavor. His key experience was Franz Kramer, he telephoned his frustrations of the soul a few months ago of his authors consultant Gudrun Anders. The ex-Publisher with It was better but not one whit best authors contacts from Aachen: was much too much of our time with the recurrent questions.

    Questions that people deal with, if they want to become an author. So we decided to write a practical guide. And to answer the most pressing, forever-young questions: it is worth to be sent? How do I find a Publisher? How do I to live by my writing?” The two thoroughbred publishers put together their heads. “Came out is a unique compendium that is just full of experience and practical: under the title success as an author in 10 steps to the goal!” remain Franz Kramer and Gudrun Anders guilty about not answer questions as: author are even worth? How do I prepare optimally my book? How to write successfully? How do I handle Publisher search, Publisher acceptance and author contract? What do I need in the production and distribution? How can I effectively and cost-effectively at the same time for my book advertise? How can I increase my earnings as a writer? “Franz Kramer admits that existed before competent answers in the form of an advisor to certain questions: but never before in the German publishing history a single book of all these questions has adopted at the same time in detail”, the Publisher stressed.

  • General 22.11.2017 Comments Off on Ribbon Bow

    4,2 Speeches that permeiam the book Aiming at to reach the first objective of this article? to describe as if they constitute the speeches in the workmanship of Ana Maria Axe? we analyze the infantile book Pretty Girl of the Ribbon Bow. Considering the polissmico character of the language, we could notice that the workmanship is permeada by some speeches, that produce different effect of directions. In this manner, we identify the presence of three speeches in the related workmanship, that assume a interdiscursividade, therefore one becomes related with the other. First, we can affirm that the text ' ' dialoga' ' with the speech of the black conscience, a curly time that the author uses as protagonist a girl of dark eyes, hair and black skin, what it is turned aside from ' ' normality literria' ' , gift in stories of traditional fairies for example. Despite of history to initiate with the expression Age a time (…) (AXE, 2005, P. 02), the plot tells the history of a personage who does not resemble itself to the esteritipos of the majority of books. E, even so the girl is black, it is not bothered, making look like always the image of an extrovert, creative and smart child and that it is always if expressing of some form, dancing, reading, drawing.

    This can be noticed, for example, in illustrations of pages 06, 07 and 09. In this infantile narrative, the author leaves in the space between lineses a speech that values auto-esteem of the black person, who, independently of its color, deserves respect. Thus, it search to awake in the reader a not-prejudiced conscience and anti-racist, who is something basic, in view of that daily live situations of discrimination against the population afro-descendant. After that, we perceive in this workmanship the presence of a relative speech to the beauty concept, that if opposes to the standard that is tax for the society through the devices ideological – school, family, media, books, toys etc.

  • General 21.05.2016 Comments Off on Spain Documentation

    The dictionary of the Spanish language defines the word documentary as the person who has the trade the preparation and drafting of all kinds of bibliographic data, reports, news, etc, on certain matters. The term documentation, that would be the science that studies the treatment of information in a very summary form appears not even collected. On many occasions it is very difficult to differentiate between documentary and specialized Librarian (responsible for a specialized library, one that focuses on a specific topic of knowledge) since in Spain within the scientific information there are several specialties ranging from librarians to certain computer professionals (analysts of systems, printing staff,..). This is the reason why elected to differentiate them, the place where in performing their jobs. In any research work, there is a task of documentation, including any feature, program or article has had to be the result of a prior research work, in many cases made by the documentarian’s turn, forgotten in anonymity, and without that their work is recognized. I therefore hope to see a job of this kind from another point of view, of the previous and most important work which is the documentation now. The drafting and the Assembly is without a doubt the easiest part and the most important facing the outside, because that is what is going to see, read or listen to.

    In the absence of a clear and differentiated professional status, we must turn, even more than in the case of librarians, approximated through the functions as a professional documentation performs. That brings us to consider as a documentarian, or professional scientific information, one who dedicated most of his work activity to scientific documentation/information functions, having as features as pointed out by Mercedes charity of who focuses his work on the dissemination of information, without worrying about the shape and support. Today, in any unit of information, documentation, the oldest is mixed together with the most advanced supports.


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