• General 20.09.2019 Comments Off on Human Body Emits Light

    Scientists have recently discovered a “strange” phenomenon: it turns out, the human body emits light not only in the infrared (which can be checked using a thermal imager), but also in visible light – just a very poorly. Suggest that This light is a byproduct of some chemical reactions involving free radicals. More to explore this phenomenon have decided to Japanese scientists, led by . For this purpose, they used thermal imaging cameras and ultra-sensitive camera that can capture individual photons. In the role of experimental ‘rabbits’ were five volunteers, aged nearly 20 years of age, who were stripped to the waist and placed in complete darkness in front of the camera for 20 minutes. This experience was repeated every 3 hours starting from 10 am to 10 pm, within 3 days.

    The tests revealed that the emission increases and drops again during the day. Minimum intensity is reached at 10 am, and maximum – about 4 hours of the day, then glow again reduced. Apparently, this glow, as a result of biochemical reactions in the body, due to “internal clock” of the organism, ie, the cyclic daily changes in its metabolic activity. It is also interesting that those subjects shone much brighter than other parts of the body. Scientists have explained this to the fact that those people are subjected to more intensive exposure sun than the rest of the body, and usually are more swarthy, that is tanned. This is due to the accumulation of melanin pigment, which in its chemical structure contains a component capable of fluorescence. Scientists hope that their so-called study finds in the end and the real application. In particular, we can establish the dependence of the glow of health status and its connection with the nature of possible diseases. Then such sensitive camera will be a perfect diagnostic tool – and completely harmless.

  • General 20.09.2013 Comments Off on Technology

    Day-care center School ' ' Feliz&#039 child; ' Peixoto de Azevedo Angelica teachers Maria of Jesus Marilene Branches The media and boarding technological in the schools Summary This present article was made a process of work of technology in the schools that take care of child in the series initiate and basic education stops to detect the habits of each child in relation the great ones technological discoveries, and as is made practise it pedagogical to introduce the medias tie the children therefore know it practises that it of different pertaining to school technology influences the children very likes to develop it for the medias and to motivate the children, the educators must take vary attitude to get an extraordinary change. For this in while educators had had we search if to constantly enable due the school to be a base to the child to go deep the development of these abilities and abilities. Kathleen Casey will not settle for partial explanations. The primordial paper of the schools and to search projects pedagogical to work the medias, therefore nowadays the medias they have an essential paper in the life of the human beings. INTRODUCTION Computer science and the media this being used each day more for the people and has a basic paper in our parents. To each day that passes, computer science comes acquiring each time more relevance in the life of the people and the companies. Its use already is seen as learning instrument and its action in the social environment comes increasing of fast form between the people. The number of families grows who possess in its residences a computer science device, a sound a TV among other that they influence the cominicao. This tool is assisting parents and children showing to them a new skill to learn and to see the world. When if it learns to deal with the computer new horizontes if they open in the life of the user.

  • General 12.04.2012 Comments Off on Terceirizaes

    Almda question of the mapping of costs, exists a difficulty technique nacomparao between the costs and a proposal of a supplier. Distinct methodologies decusteio, such as cost standard, cost for absorption, or costing, geramresultados ABC different. Amy Pinkos often says this. If the expenditure method to move during the project, acomparao hardly will be possible. Seuma company clearly has a process of expenditure of YOU to the level of services, osgestores has a bigger chance to reduce costs throughout the time. With umcusto operational reduced, the return of the terceirizao project will be bemmenor or inexistent. Therefore, if the cost will be the factor of bigger weight in decisode to terceirizar, the company would not have Terceirizar. That is, afirmarque is reasonable the companies who terceirizam to reduce costs are those that we are unaware of costs of YOU to the level of services.

    This does not imply that the companies quecontrolam the costs of YOU in the tip of the pencil do not terceirizam or not to deveriamterceirizar. But business will be more difficult to construct one marries of terceirizao that is viable without profits of scale, flexibility or without strategical projects with the supplier. Apso terceirizao project, the company needs a new structure to paragerir the relationship with the supplier and to disassemble the previous one. Without a new organization, the contract of Terceirizao passes to be managed by noespecializados professionals. The quality of the ficarcomprometida management and the costs highest. Very frequent, the premises dereestruturao after the terceirizao also do not happen. The company mantmparte of the original structure, keeping the fixed costs.

    The elimination of the custosvariveis does not make possible the project. Therefore, definition problems organizacional daestrutura increase the operational costs. Participeide a project of terceirizao of YOU that it increased clearly costs.


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