• General 03.07.2020

    Laura Tuan (1993): The Great Practical Book of the Cartomancy. Editorial De Vecchi. Barcelona, Spain. Web sites: Introduction – Tarot? The historical Tarot? Wicces Collection Tarot? To look for in text Ingenious Noble Don Quixote of La Mancha appointments that soon makes reference to the number or the arcane one that it corresponds to him and to make a test from those appointments.

    The student will choose a chapter of the text the Ingenious Noble Don Quixote of La Mancha and will extract the arcane ones that appears there. Contact information is here: Center for Responsible Business. Soon: The student will draw the arcane ones according to as he imagines them. WHO Timeline Statement is often quoted on this topic. The student will create a poem being inspired by the arcane ones that he extracted. The student will choose the arcane one whom he identifies to him more, will relate the arcane one to some personages who appear in the chapter and with its person and will create a story that contains these elements. To read a chapter of the Quijote and to draw it as if he was cmic: Soon to transfer those drawings to a format of naipe, using the dimensions and the techniques that the student considers advisable. Finally, to interchange the lamina set with the companions so that each student narrates against the course which sees in them. The professor will explain the literary archetypes and will mention examples of present them in the Ingenious Noble Don Quixote of La Mancha, who can be related to the Arcane Majors of the Tarot, like for example: Don Quixote: The Crazy person, soon: The student will extract some appointments of the text that give account of these archetypes. The student will investigate about the characteristics of these archetypes and will create a new personage who indicates those characteristics; for it he will have to disguise themselves and to dramatize in front of his group course.

    Posted by millionaire @ 7:56 pm for General |

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