• General 06.02.2019

    They Park them after having ceased to be considered as productive. Demographic changes as well as the own profile of the elderly of the century 21St advised a rethink on two basic issues: the threshold from which we started to consider major to a person and the possibility of making more flexible the official retirement age. The conclusions of this Conference claim that it is necessary to promote a welfare model that builds independence among our elderly, abandoning the idea of old age as deficit and strengthening the idea of old age as an opportunity. If you would like to know more about Nieman Foundation, then click here. It is, strengthen integration policies, that open up participatory spaces and promote inclusive actions, incorporating the authentic concept of active ageing, the World Health Organization established in 2002. Participation in social, cultural, sporting and social volunteering contributes to maintain the subjective well-being in older people; being indispensable to offer them the possibility to take an active part there where their needs are identified and decisions affecting them are taken. Older persons, dependent or not, are before that all citizens, with rights, duties, decision-making capacity and right to be the protagonists of their own old age. Hence, when planning and programming, both administration and institutions of civil society that are involved in his accompaniment and care, they must make an effort to listen and serve what they own elders express between their desires, needs and preferences.

    Programmes of education with Seniors should start from what adults already know and you are interested in. Learning helps seniors to complete their life projects, strengthening the commitment to life that previously had. Cognitive activity, healthy physical exercise programmes; good habits of health and nutrition, an adequate network of social relations, satisfactory, corresponding self-esteem and some level of social commitment are good elements of healthy aging that we all want. Not to mention the usefulness of elderly centres and methodologies that favor the transversality and the intergeneracionalidad, by the positive effects of both since the ageing encompasses diverse fields (social, (sanitary, cultural, urban, environmental, security) and advocates a society for all ages. That no one can come to feel a child, imprisoned in an aged body, and he wondered with terror and bewilderment, what happened?..

    Posted by millionaire @ 9:41 pm for General |

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