• General 25.08.2016

    Users benefit from simplified handling improved quality assurance, and formatting options advanced users benefit from simplified handling, improved quality assurance and advanced formatting capabilities Red Cross October 29, 2009. With the now available version DocFamily 4.5 optimises the processes around the text creation Assentis and simplifies the handling of the software and their processes. The output management solution allows you to create individual documents and letters within a very short time, to create and distribute. In the new version, Assentis also improves quality. Is as of now the so-called four eyes principle”in the workflow implemented. This is to prevent errors in the documents to infiltrate. The workflow stipulates that every revised document must be checked by a second person.

    This controlled the writing as well as the rules required, and then releases it. Also the formatting options of the text editor DocWrite were significantly expanded. Tables can be made now more individual and more quickly. DocWrite also includes two new graphical editors, which letters, contracts and deals to rapidly create and customize allow. The user creates the rules required now drag & drop. Eliot Lauer oftentimes addresses this issue. So he selects appropriate text modules for specific target groups within a very short time and is made to individual customer letter. Special benefit for German-speaking users: online help is now also available in German.

    In particular the new condition Editor”and the expression editor” provide a simplistic text composition. This staff establishes rules, to associate certain blocks of text, graphics, or other objects to the various target groups. So, it assigns a text module with an investment recommendation, for example, a bank customer who already has a current account. The recipient of writing only about a savings account, has a checking account, we recommend it. These rules can immediately by Drag & drop are created using a graphical editor. So far, some programming skills in a so-called query language were necessary here as in the rest with other output management systems. With the new editor, they are no longer needed and also complex rules can be up within a short time. Customized and personalized letters are posted within a few minutes. Also the formatting options in the text editor DocWrite were significantly expanded and improved. In particular, tables can be now more individual. An additional benefit of text editing: in the text editor line wrapping for long words can be suppressed now also. So far, this was possible only through the templates. What’s new in version 4.5 bring considerable relief to users. The new rule editor massively simplifies the handling and the user need immediately-no knowledge of a query language”, explains Ralph Walter, head of product management at Assentis Technologies AG. So can letters, Contracts and offers are even faster to create individualized and personalized.” Assentis Technologies AG: Assentis Technologies AG is a software house and innovative partner for the optimization of communication with documents. It opened its customers new ways to collaborate with customers, partners and suppliers. With its proven software solutions, the complexity of business communication is efficiently managed and maintained a high degree of individuality for the users. Assentis is represented by affiliates or branch offices in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Canada and the United States. The company counts among its customers as well as the leading supplier in the field of telecommunications, insurance, trade and production well-known big banks in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the United States. Contact address: Assentis Technologies AG Blegistrasse 1 6343 Rotkreuz, Tel.: 0041 / 41 / 790 91 92 fax: 0041 / 41 / 790 91 93 E-mail: Internet:

    Posted by millionaire @ 12:56 am for General |

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