• General 28.10.2013

    Moreover, the authorities had determined that only doctor with diploma could take care of of the patients. In accordance with SON, 2003, p19, the evolutions of the research had started: In the heroic phase of the justinian codes research, many doctors acted at the same time as scientists and as sanitaristas. Following the example of Oswaldo cross, Emilio Ribas and Vital Brazil, its disciples carried through laboratoriais research e, parallel, undertook risky trips for the interior of Brazil, giving continuity and its studies offering solutions practical for the sanitary problems of the visited regions (…) to leave for ahead the government it started to use more money in research and started to contract more specialized people similar of whom the health term Brazil did not have what to speak, but exactly thus it was not the sufficient, therefore we know until today that even so the situation of Brazil has improved very in relation to the passed times, still we have much of what to improve. However more laboratories of had been created benefit it to research of the collective health. some of these laboratories had started to be created in other oligarchies. More meanwhile, at least the propagation was steady of varies illnesses, however in the remain of the parents the indices of the diseases were remained high, with trend to raise.

    Consequently it had the sprouting of the Dr. Chagas, that in accordance with: SON, 2003, p20. Everything started in the 1909 summer, when Carlos Chagas worked in the organization of a campaign against the malaria in the mining city of Lassance (today Carlos Chagas). Worried in knowing the insects local, the researcher you perceive the existence of a great number of hematfagos insects (that they are fed of human blood), known as barbers. There looking for to clarify its characteristics the Dr. Chagas analyzed the content of the intestines of the barbers, discovering a protozorio until then unknown, the one that tripanossomo called cruzi.

    Posted by millionaire @ 6:56 am for General |

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