Exhibition KinderWunschKinder, action fertility e.V. action fertility e.V. passes to the Federal Minister of health and the Federal Ministry for family thousands signed demand catalogs to improve conditions unintentionally childless. / On Kollwitzplatz a gallery with hundreds of pictures of babies drawn up, which would not be there without the reproductive medicine. Leipzig, April 4, 2010. With its third nationwide protest action action fertility e.V.
promotes on May 08, 2010 on the Kollwitzplatz in Berlin to increased attention for the 1.4 million unintentionally childless in Germany (source: Allensbach study 2007). During this event the Association wants passed several thousand signed demand letter, which include the objectives of the Association, the Federal Minister of health, Dr. Hear from experts in the field like Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine for a more varied view. Philipp Rosler, and the Federal Family Minister Kristina Schroder. The catalogue is currently nationwide signed by concerned people. In addition, KinderWunschKinder are on the Kollwitzplatz under the motto”hundreds of photos of babies placed, arising solely from medical help. Each second frames will remain empty. Thus should be symbolizes how many children could be born in addition if would improve the conditions for involuntarily childless.
Since the health care reform, only half as many children are born, caused by reproductive medicine? These children would repay the cost of treatment but to many times in the form of taxes, social security and health insurance contributions. I consider a fallacy”savings, explains Chairman Ina Ganschow (37). This protest action, action fertility e.V. again defends itself against the one-sided debate on declining birth rates in Germany. Meanwhile, every seventh pair is involuntarily childless. And rising! But those affected are barely mentioned and received too little support in their efforts to their own children. The Association fights among other things, that the Federal Government infertility as a disease acknowledges. Continue action fertility e.V. calls for full funding of four reproductive treatments, as well as the approval of egg donation and Embryonenspenden in Germany. For many, this is the last chance for a special child from a medical perspective”so Ina Ganschow. In other European countries, these procedures are approved. Action fertility was launched almost three years ago by men and women in the life, which are themselves unintentionally childless / were. Since January 25, 2008, action fertility is a registered charity. The members come from all over Germany. The catalogue of demands, as well as information about the planned action to find are at.