• General 02.09.2012

    It is the opposing scene of the lived one until September of 2008, when a warm market allowed readjustments that compensated the depreciation of American currency – R$ 1,70 at the time. The crisis was a hard blow for the sales of the Starret, manufacturer of mountain ranges and instruments of measurement in the exterior. The exportations had withdrawn about 30% of January the May before equal period of 2008. On account of this and the weak performance also in the domestic market, the Starret reduced the hours of working for four days, with proportional cut of wage. After the consecutive falls of the dollar in the last weeks, the Piccadilly, manufacturer of feminine footwear with headquarters in Igrejinha (RS), it decided to hold the remittance of tables of prices for the deliverers in the Europe, Middle East and Asia. For the importers of the South America and Central office, that already had received the lists, the company alone can guarantee the maintenance of the values until July middle if the Real if not value much more.

    The Picadilly is making the accounts to know which the exchange platform that will demand the correction of dispatched tables already for the markets that absorb 60% of its exportations. Defined in April, when with the exchange R$ 2,29 for dollar arrived, the prices of the footwear of the collections spring-summer were more competitive of what the competitors. With the valuation of the exchange and the prices in fall, the yield of Brazilian exportations withdrew 4.4% in April and 13% in the gathered of the year, according to Foundation Center of Studies of the Foreign commerce (Funcex). The trend is an edge of profit still more pressed in the next months on account to the weakness of the dollar, that closed yesterday quoted R$ 1,9370, fall of 12% in relation to the April average.

    Posted by millionaire @ 8:10 pm for General |

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