• General 02.11.2015

    Fraunhofer MOEZ leads scientific project support from Leipzig, 6.5.2013 the Fraunhofer MOEZ hosted three prominent personalities focus group meetings at his Institute premises in the context of driving by the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) funded Metaprojekts and inhibiting factors of professional education export in the past few weeks. On May 3, 2013 the members of the focus group Arab space gathered”at the third meeting, an interactive workshop at the Fraunhofer MOEZ. Aim was to exchange experiences, to strengthen the network and to discuss business models in the professional education export. “On April 24, the focus group of Russia had already successfully” and on April 19 the Asia focus group “met in the Fraunhofer MOEZ. While specific success and competitive factors at the first meeting the idea of different business models taking into account for the Asian region, business models were at the second meeting in terms of the target market of Russia on the agenda. The meeting the focus groups important components in the worker process of the Metaprojekts driving and inhibiting factors of professional education export “within the framework of the BMBF funding schwerpunkts to vocational education exports by German providers represent. Since November 2012, the Fraunhofer MOEZ accompanied the main phase of the Metaprojekts.

    Before the scientists of Fraunhofer MOEZ had scientifically already successfully the pilot phase, which was also supported by the BMBF funding priority. The main phase complements the work of the pilot phase to a more economically-oriented perspective. The main objective of the accompanied Metaprojekts is to explore scientifically-based findings to export professional education services on a meta-level, to prepare this practice-oriented and to offer export-oriented vocational training service providers in Germany. The Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe MOEZ has proven skills in the area of innovation and technology management, strategy development and research marketing and develops science-based, integrated solutions from potential analyses about the conception and implementation of the concrete project and business models and network activities up to the knowledge and technology transfer. Currently, approximately 40 full time employees of the Fraunhofer MOEZ edit including projects within the framework of the 7th research framework programme of the European Union, projects of the Federal Ministry for education and research, the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety, the German Federal Foundation environment, projects for companies, in particular small and medium-sized firms, etc. The Fraunhofer MOEZ is an Institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organization for applied research in Europe. Under her roof, 66 institutions and independent research institutions working on locations all over Germany.

    More than 22 000 employees and employees achieve annual research budget of EUR 1.9 billion. Of the Fraunhofer Society earns around two-thirds of jobs in the industry and publicly funded Research projects.

    Posted by millionaire @ 7:34 am for General |

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