• General 22.07.2012

    She feels humiliated by these actions. The student asks the psychologist who did not report to anyone who has come to him for reprisals. The psychologist consultation with the tutor of the student and informs him that it has not noticed anything special, except that performance is not very good economically. The psychologist receives a note, the next day to demand, urging him not to intervene. Based on the more generic, Respect for human dignity, we find several Phonetically Principles: Charity, for which the role of psychologists must seek the good for people that have responsibility. The Non-maleficence, which the psychologist must avoid, at all times, cause injury to their patients with their performance. This is a minimum duty, essential and basic, which must be present in any case that comes before him to a psychologist. When a person requests the services of a psychologist is obviously hopes not be harmed by the acts of the professional.

    This should help you solve your problems or difficulties, which is what is expected and is the main reason why patients come to query. And of justice, since the intention must be to ensure that the patient has access to improved health. Among Prophetical Rules, in this case of Confidentiality is difficult to apply because the consequences would seem to be bad for the student in either case, whether you keep the confidentiality of the information received as if he mantelpiece.a We thus raise the first dilemmas, in the case of a minor, what is the duty of a professional with knowledge of a possible action that is damaging to the person, in this case a minor, who complains? How far should arrive the principle that the psychologist is also required in their practice: confidentiality, in the case of a minor?.

    Posted by millionaire @ 10:35 pm for General |

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