28) are ' ' romances where it studies caracteresfemininos, tortured over contradictions and antagonisms psicolgicos' '. Tambmso called urban, therefore workmanships that say on the bourgeois life dosculo nineteen, downtown of Rio De Janeiro are, where the romance sedesenvolve, whose people were frequentadoras of theaters, passeadoras in the doOuvidor Street and living of the quarters. The author describes some streets of the city, social oconvvio, dances and some daily scenes of the city. The Lucolatem book beginning with the meeting of Pablo, fond young of the interior and Lcia, cujaprofisso of gracious, if incases in the obscure face of the bourgeoisie. It withholds in seuleito, the noblest gentlemen of the society, who to the dusk, changed themselves into the most vile and worthless beings, changing much money for favoressexuais. Lcia in turn, uses to advantage of youth and beauty and its dotesfsicos, to exert its profession.
When comparing itself it protagonist deAlexandre Of a Son, Marguerite Gautier in the Lady of the Camlias with aprotagonista of Alencar, is noticed that both divide in parts, algumascaractersticas such as: fineness, delicacy and seduction. However, the heronaromntica Lcia is possessing of a pureness of the soul, that is not stained pelacarne pecaminosa, exactly being it more perfidious prostitute. This fact comments PROENAsobre ' ' Therefore, exactly in the hours where more aglria it esplende of the gracious one, the romancista the vestment symbolically of branco' ' (1966 p.88). History is counted in flash-back, because the PauloSilva narrator-personage, delivery letters at the beginning of the romance, to one lady denominadasimplesmente of – G.M. That is, ' ' G.M.' ' peloautor Jose is an used disguise de Alencar transforming into narrator, Pablo, the dahistria protagonist. Thus, Alencar counts to history through the narrator Pablo. 2Comparando the Lady of the Camlias it was written in 1847 and Lucolaem 1862, that is, both had been created in century nineteen and fixed in the pocaromntica.