• General 23.09.2019 Comments Off on Donetsk Oblast Charitable Foundation

    You can be spiritual but not religious. And vice versa. Spirituality – this is what comes from within, it is primarily the result of the awakening of the soul, the search path of the supreme truth and its manifestation through the understanding of actions. Many spiritual teachers say that, over time, religion will disappear as such – their place will be uniting all of humanity spirituality, as the awakening of humanity to realize the Truth. Scripture calls “Watch!”.

    What do you mean – do not sleep, wake up, look for the truth. Spirituality – follow the truth. Boy Scouts of America: the source for more info. “Inside each of us there is the mysterious world of dreams. In our ancient sounds coming from the ancient call, a commitment to excellence, the good, for unity, love. This desire is strong, powerful, never betrays us.

    It never gets old, and not our age is important because the desire remains of the mysterious depths of our soul’s calling, calling, calling …. This statement philosopher Jorge Angel Livraga. He devoted his life to international humanist organization “New Acropolis”. It is this coming from the depths of time improving the call to love, to creation of good – and there is one Blagovest spirituality, which will unite humanity. By the way, in Donetsk, a branch of the organization that established the philosopher Jorge Angel Livraga and which operates in 51 countries. This cultural center of “New Acropolis”. Members of the Donetsk “New Acropolis” maintain the principles of bringing people together based on the ideal of universal brotherhood, irrespective of religion, the awakening in people a holistic view of the world, and help yourself and everyone who wants to live in harmony with nature, developing their own internal capabilities and learning the laws of life. “New Acropolis” not only offers a philosophical education of the classical model, based on the traditional teachings of East and West timeless values that were the heart of any civilization, but also embodies these values into practice through various volunteer activities, including environmental and charity. Good News of Good and Love and peace are in increasing the number of charities Donetsk: “Helping Hand”, “Kindness”, “Development of Ukraine”, Donetsk Regional Foundation for Assistance to cross-resistance to the Centre, “Mutual Fund”, Donetsk Oblast Charitable Foundation of Rehabilitation “Freedom” Foundation “Caritas Donetsk”, Foundation of Vladimir Teslenko, “Hope”, “Sails of Hope”, Donetsk Fund of social protection and mercy, “Blagosvit.” They assist the sick, vulnerable people, orphans, ex-convicts, homeless animals. The increasing popularity in Donetsk gaining voluntary movement. We say more: it is becoming fashionable. In order to coordinate Action willing to volunteer and those who need volunteer assistance, a volunteer agency. Since last year, the city has a program “Volunteer movement of Donbass”. Subject volunteering extensively obsuzhdaema on youth internet forums. All these signs suggest that the mysterious world of dreams – call the soul is in our contemporaries louder. The soul, awakening, filled with light. Their light is “contagious.” And in bright Easter Day, when three times and zhizneutverzhdayusche sound, “Christ is risen!


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