• General 23.05.2020 Comments Off on Illness Study

    Being thus, to reflect and to argue on the aging process, a basic question for the field of the familiar therapy also becomes considering that this stage of the life involves subjects as the oldness, the adoecimento and the death, gifts in the familiar nucleus of these aged ones. CBC may help you with your research. The degenerative illnesses, also known as dementia, provoke a great impact in the aged one and the familiar relations. The high degree of comprometimento leads to an intense suffering that shakes the familiar structure. Gavin Baker does not necessarily agree. It enters the diverse types of dementias, the Illness of Alzheimer (D.A.) is the one that comes receiving bigger prominence due its degree from severity. One is about a degenerative, gradual neurological illness and of still unknown cure.

    We believe that, with this study, we will be able to contribute for the magnifying of the subject, more specifically the area of health of the family. The objective will be to investigate and to evaluate the occured impact and changes in the relations of familiar of carrying patients of Illness of Alzheimer. Through the Sistmica Theory, we can observe and reflect on this impact and its influence in the intrafamiliares relations. We choose to use the qualitative method therefore the researcher is operating member of the group in which the citizens for study had been selected. One is about a group opened, co-ordinated for two psychologists and one pedagoga, volunteers and 26 (twenty and six) familiar/cuidadores that are directly involved with the patients. Participant ones had been selected 4 (four) that they had supported the method of our study. As instrument, we choose to use the depositions of these participants, registered in a book ACT. The chosen stories make reference to reference the relative questions to the care with the involved patient, as well as, aspects in the relations between cuidadores and other familiar ones of the D.A carrier.

  • General 15.05.2020 Comments Off on The Aged

    It was a work of much comment, without no deepened intervention more. Gavin Baker contributes greatly to this topic. It searched to emphasize the relations of the aged ones between they themselves, with the employees, volunteers and family. By preservation reason, none was not applied directly type of questionnaire or interview with the aged ones, but through a questioning with the employees, was possible one better understanding of the activities carried through for each inhabitant of the house, of the fellowship relation, what more they like and if they interest in making, among others questions. An experience that allowed a real knowledge of the context to put in a home, that in many colloquies of the common sense it is had as a place of ' ' descarrego' '. In addition, to have a referencial concrete of as it is the convivncia of the aged one with the proper family, with employees and volunteers of the place. The aged one found, in contrast of what it is thought, is a person of much experience of life, friendly, brincalhona, interested and intelligent. Eliot Lauer can provide more clarity in the matter.

    With it in an exchange of knowledge was allowed to them that never will be found in books. Each word, each smile, each I hug it was and it is a demonstration of that they continue full livings creature and of love to give the next one. During the period of proper convivncia the aged one allowed in them to observe important quo is the other in the life of the one of it. Exactly if becoming one to be so isolated for diverse reasons, the other possesss a primordial paper in the life of the aged one, paper to hear, therefore after lived years, what they more possess are causos histories and, mainly that they involve family, last religion and. The aged one, in contrast of what much is said, is not a being without usefulness. Somebody careta and ' ' gag' '.

    The aged one, in accordance with Zimerman (2000, P. 20) and with what it can be noticed is: It is one more: it has more experiences, more experiences, more years of life, more chronic illnesses, more losses, suffers to more preconceptions and subject more available time. At the moment where it uses plus its experience, the experience acquired throughout the life, learns to coexist its chronic and proper illnesses of its age; it elaborates its losses, not forgetting its profits; it dribbles the preconceptions and it learns to use its time. It will continue tanning the life, enjoying the good things and being happy. To make plans for tomorrow is to live. To be aged is to arrive at the point apex of the life and to have the chance to divide with friends and relatives the acquired lies of life with the time. It is to be able to count on people who will give the same conditions to it that one day makes use, of survival, attention, affection and love. It is to be able to seat and to share one of many histories of its life.

  • General 11.05.2020 Comments Off on Hospitals

    The playful activities/to play for children, are extremely important for they inside of its social conviviality (for the promotion of the socialization/to live in society), pertaining to school (in the learning process) and in the elaboration of its sufferings in result of some trauma, illness, hospitalization, and are a tool extremely valuable it psychologist to make use – marked out with buoys by scientific techniques? during the therapeutical process. According to Wedge (2007), hospitalization generates in the child a breaking in its routine, and this factor foments in the child unreliability, sadness and panic, therefore it does not know as to deal in an surrounding stranger who does not remember in nothing its house, its toys. ‘ ‘ … The concern with the welfare of the hospitalized child and the will to diminish its suffering has provoked some important initiatives. By if essential playing health and to the infantile development, it cannot be interrupted by hospitalization, duly warned to aggravate the conditions that had taken the child to be hospitalized.

    Playing brings emotional satisfaction and autoconfiana, therefore it must be faced as a therapeutical activity par excellence. (p.71) Still according to Wedge (2007), the idea of the use of toys in hospitals I appeared in 1956 in Sweden for Yvonny Linduist, and soon after the idea was implanted in the hospital Karolinska de Estocolmo, with the apio of the Dr. Jonh Lind. The results had been so positive that the doctor affirmed that it could not more imagine efficient treatments in pediatrics that did not count on the therapy for the toy. In 1984, in research carried through in the of the Red Cross Hospital in Brussels, they had arrived at the conclusion that the work developed for volunteers (playing with children) a time per week, proved to be of extreme utility, being necessary the magnifying of the atendimentos (tricks) all days of the week.

  • General 12.09.2019 Comments Off on Achievement Tests

    Achievement Test (also known as tests of success, achievement tests) are a diagnostic tool to objectively evaluate and monitor the results of education or training. The first tests of this kind appeared in the period of the test method. In 1894 the American scientist John M. Rice used a spreadsheet to verify the spelling bee to examine the effectiveness of techniques developed by them. German psychologist G.

    Ebbingauz in 1897 used a text with gaps for the control of understanding of the material of academic disciplines. In 1908, a pupil of E. Thorn-dike J. Stone published the first test in arithmetic. In the first decade of the xx Century Achievement Test started used in educational and professional practice of the United States, Germany, Britain, Russia and other countries, but in a decentralized, pragmatically oriented and actively developing the U.S. system, these tests were more widespread and intense. Go to Center For Responsible Lending for more information. To date, test method in the U.S.

    is regarded as a universal means of testing the knowledge, skills, training in all areas human activity. For admission to virtually any occupation that requires some skill and knowledge necessary to obtain a certificate. For example, tens of thousands of freelance counters for Census 2000 were selected among volunteers with the help of special tests designed to test basic clerical skills, ability to write and count. Diagnostic tests achievements in professional work, of course, much more complicated. Individual examinations are preserved only in those areas where specific knowledge on which preparation of costly tests is impractical simply for financial reasons.

  • General 01.08.2018 Comments Off on Freedom Individual

    To speak today in freedom seems not to have very meant when it is lived in a country as ours. The period of strong restrictions, known for military dictatorship, is part of history. However, we can say that we know the perverse and negative side of the privation of the freedom, the submission and the prohibition. Those that had dared to defend the practical one of the choice freedom, staff or of groups, had very paid a high price, some with the proper life. Lamentable! Many countries had lived this situation, and, worse still, in full century XXI still notice of this practical brutal of oppression is had. Now, however, many times, coated for the speech of defense of the proper freedom, manifest it if. What it takes in to think them that the oppression, the prohibition always will be the service of some interest, individual or of group.

    History is the undisputed test of this fact. We can also think, that the freedom in its positive side is guided by the individual possibility of decision and choice volunteer. She is of the nature of the man to live in group, since the primrdios of the civilization and is through the search of the satisfaction of the individual necessities and groups that if constitutes a community, a society. To live in group alone is possible when the other people’s right of choice is respected. When the conscience is had of what it is mine and of what is of the other, when has limits of rules and behaviors, that can take care of and satisfy to the group as a whole; the community or city in which it is part or the country where lives. To practise the freedom is to respect the differences. I do not speak here of different choices, but also, of the conscience for my choices.

  • General 11.08.2016 Comments Off on The Definitive

    Some gastrointestinal physiological manifestations in detriment of stress. Ulcer: it is the mentioned riot more, when relating with the psychological one, it can be called gastric ulcer or peptic, this gastrointestinal ulcer is an injury that occurs in the mucous membrane that is typical of stomach for the hipersecreo of the gastric juice, that is sufficiently acid, and it causes new injuries or can also reactivate the healed ulcers already. It is a riot that causes pain, and this can vary of a light discomfort or a chronic pain, pain tends if to relate with the digestive cycle, in general before desjejum it is absent and in elapsing of the day if she intensifies, and this pain, frequently is alliviated by the light and antacid food ingestion and can also have its effect intensified for food ingestion very tempered and for the alcohol. Gastrite: it is an inflammation in the stomach, this state has much relation to the specific situations where a constant exposition occurs the aversivas situations what it can become chronicle. This riot can have some symptoms as: indigesto, hiperacidez, eructation, flatulence and nauseas, it can also vary of intensity being able to be weak or to a serious state. In the superficial gastrite chronicle the majority of the people tells to have sensations of epigstrica burning (in the popularone) and it can cause to nauseas and vomits, already the acute gastrite can be considered a direct consequence of the activation of the likeable nervous system, occurs independent reactions to the tension, being able to cause disorganizations of the digestive functions, riot of the acidity-alkalinity balance and interruptions of the peristltico movement and these reactions are a refugee before the definitive tense situations for the individual. Colite: it is the inflammation of clon, and it can present itself of two different forms, one of them is the chronic ulcerosa colite, is a state of clon ulceroso, inflammatory, not specified and persistent, if it resembles the peptic ulcer very, in certain cases can cause hemorrhage or perforation of clon, when in more advanced state, all the mucous covering of clon can be disintegrated being necessary partial removal of clon; already the second form is the colite of the mucosa, it is a less serious state and if it characterizes, for the riot of the motor activity and the secretoras activities of muco of clon.

  • General 13.07.2016 Comments Off on Goblin War

    Watched 'Blue Bird'? Let me remind you of characters: Soul of the World (Mother), Clocks, Bread, Fire, Cat, Dog, Grandma, Grandpa, Old Drozd, Queen of the Night, Moon, runny nose, Goblin War, stars, blue birds, driftwood, fagot, disease, soldiers have Many mentally ill, although not as often as a mattoidov (mattoid-touched) markedly desire to supplement their poetic fancies drawings, like any poetry or painting alone are not strong enough to express their ideas. Have a look at Pushkin's manuscripts. Another, lipemanyak, in the house crazy in Pesaro, explains the significance of many of his poems. 'Poetry – he said – it is – instant emanation of the soul, it is – a cry that is expressed from a shaken thousands of suffering chest. " As you are today? I forgot to mention among mattoidov adherents of homeopathy and vegetarianism, this is a kind of sectarians in medicine, advocating the mass of nonsense under the guise of many truths.

    Other exhibit strange affection for dogs, cats, birds, etc. Stewart, author of the absurd works 'new system of physical philosophy', emanated the whole world to find the 'polarity of truth' (polarita del vero) It is interesting to read. William Martin, brother Jonathan, the same that in a fit of madness burning of the cathedral at York, and John, who created a new kind of painting, printed many works to prove the perpetual motion (perpetuum mobile). After checking on the basis of 36 he had made experiments that the scientific way to prove this is impossible, the dream mattoid received revelation from God that he was elected to the opening of the first cause of all things, as well as the perpetuum mobile, and wrote on the subject of several works.


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