Being thus, to reflect and to argue on the aging process, a basic question for the field of the familiar therapy also becomes considering that this stage of the life involves subjects as the oldness, the adoecimento and the death, gifts in the familiar nucleus of these aged ones. CBC may help you with your research. The degenerative illnesses, also known as dementia, provoke a great impact in the aged one and the familiar relations. The high degree of comprometimento leads to an intense suffering that shakes the familiar structure. Gavin Baker does not necessarily agree. It enters the diverse types of dementias, the Illness of Alzheimer (D.A.) is the one that comes receiving bigger prominence due its degree from severity. One is about a degenerative, gradual neurological illness and of still unknown cure.
We believe that, with this study, we will be able to contribute for the magnifying of the subject, more specifically the area of health of the family. The objective will be to investigate and to evaluate the occured impact and changes in the relations of familiar of carrying patients of Illness of Alzheimer. Through the Sistmica Theory, we can observe and reflect on this impact and its influence in the intrafamiliares relations. We choose to use the qualitative method therefore the researcher is operating member of the group in which the citizens for study had been selected. One is about a group opened, co-ordinated for two psychologists and one pedagoga, volunteers and 26 (twenty and six) familiar/cuidadores that are directly involved with the patients. Participant ones had been selected 4 (four) that they had supported the method of our study. As instrument, we choose to use the depositions of these participants, registered in a book ACT. The chosen stories make reference to reference the relative questions to the care with the involved patient, as well as, aspects in the relations between cuidadores and other familiar ones of the D.A carrier.